1. Glogster 2. Whyville 3. Itouch 4. E-readers
Glogster Video presentation by Cathy Willard Glogster Video
Whyville youtube video Whyville youtube video
Languages Health Grammar/Reading Brain exercises Math Science History Flashcards
There are apps to help students with all different languages Example Free Italian Tutor- Italian language game easy to use and understand without directions Definitely has scaffolding depending on which activities you start with Finished the entire free app in about an hour (purchased one has more to do)
Yoga poses app Provides free poses to help exercise Calorie Counter- Allows you to look up the calories of food Maintain a healthy lifestyle Recipe Finders—several free versions (tastebook, Mccormick, betty crocker, crock pot recipes) Cooking Teachers could have this available for students to search for recipes and generate shopping lists
Grammar Up- Late elementary to early high school Gives students quizzes on a variety of grammatical topics Read me stories (reading) You get a new book, everyday you use the app Free books, students can read what they want and independently Can’t advance the screen if you read faster than the narrator Comes with two free books, so teachers would have to manually continue adding books Animation is cool
Storykit Students can make their own stories with ready made animation or by importing pictures They can add text and speech Teacher could create stories for students to complete at their own pace
Brain Pop- free Probably mostly geared towards elementary school, but I learned a lot about semi-colons. I seriously never really understood when to use them before It has a video that gives instruction on a topic and then you take a 10 question quiz applying the information. Topics include: Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts and Music, Health and Science and Engineering
Brain tuner Makes student determine whether a math equation is correct or incorrect— faster time and more correct responses=high score Makes it a competition, which perhaps it shouldn’t be If you buy the version, you can compare your scores with other global users Math problems range from addition to division Graphing Calculator Pro Does all the same functions as a graphing calculator, fraction of the cost
Chem pro- $4.99- provides flash cards, lessons and tools Lessons- 31 hours of video lessons, 80 different videos that provide multiple representations of typically tested problems Tools- molar mass calculator and unit converter tool
Today in history-lite- $ free
Flashcards Deluxe- $3.99 There is a free version but you can only have 4 sets of 6 flashcards You can download premade ones You can create your own On app or computer