Name: Consolacion Serrano Javaloyas
INTRODUCTION: Name: TREKKING.COM Situation : Torla (Aragon Pyrenees) Product: Materials for the practice of mountain sports. Rent and sell of material. Activities as: Mountaineering, canyoning, ice climbing, hiking and trekking, expeditions,… Other points offered on the page: news and articles, section of the weather, technique and practice, ski resorts and snowboard,…
OVERVIEW: Competitors : Competitive advantages of BARRABES: Stone shop for young people who love mountains and are top sportsmen, pretenders. Brand maintained by web e-business with goods, news and articles about mountain Deals
Competitors: BALMAT (tour operator for free): Stone shop: articles classified depending on the sport they belong to and their features. E-business page ordered alphabetically and by the best brands. Activities (canyoning,climbing…) organized by other companies. Information about the best mountains. Direct to: Suppliers of services for tourists. People interested in the mountain and its sports.
My business proposal is differentiated from competitors by: Rent of material for extreme sports. Own activities in mountains (excursions, extreme sports, short courses, guides,..) Other services shown on the page: Documents (orders, invoices, video check points…). Books and maps. Special offers (discounts, …) Delivery on action. Competitions.
OBJECTIVES: The efficiency of proposed e-business portal will be confirmed for segment of pretenders The effect of proposed actions and measures (high quality product, quickly and with warranty, at a good price) will be confirmed also, in terms of: increased sales. company image in target segment. company image in other countries in Europe.
METHODS: To bring the light to my business: Advertising in portals and web page of mountain and adventure sports will be verified by following actions: Dressing my products to some champions in sports or adventure will increase sales in segment of this sport by 5%. The percentage is proven by comparison with similar effect gained by competitors. Therefore, comparative analysis must be made Advertising in resorts and sport centers. Specific magazine of mountain and adventure sports.
Order for comparative analysis of proposed advertising actions was made with following check points: (dressing of top sportsmen, advertising in sport centers, and other actions proposed in methodology) Similarly the effect of services proposed in the page web must be verified: Shop on line. Video documentaries and news. Consulting service. Activities and sport routes. Rent of material. Comments and advices of best specialists un adventure sports. Members.
RESULTS: how customers can get the firms’ information: . Banners. Searches. SMS. Web Page. These expected results will be confirmed by ordered research. Financing is the next step.
CONCLUSION: PAGE SECTIONS BannersSearchersSMSWeb Page Home (4) (3) Shop on line 989 (1) Attention to the customer Video documentaries and news 564 (5) Consulting service Activities and sport routes Rent of material 168 (2) Members 689 (6) Pictures Comments and advices of specialists
Notes: (1) We have received such a number of s asking for information about our products and in (2) it’s reflected the number of people that have rented materials through our virtual shop, two important factors because they reflect a direct economic benefit. (3)-(4) It reflects the amount of people that have connected with our page through searches and banners. (5) It reflects the amount of people that have been reported of the video documentaries and news through our web page. (6) These they are the persons that have been aimed in our web page as associates. The section of pictures is the one that has had badly result and because of it will be improved.