1 The State of the Labor Movement Trends - Patterns -Reasons Outlook - Challenges - Leadership Strategies
2 REASONS FOR THE DECLINE IN MEMBERSHIP n Shift in Structure of Employment n Public Policy Has Already Addressed Many of the Employment Issues n Employer Human Relation Strategies
3 REASONS FOR THE DECLINE IN MEMBERSHIP n Public Perception That Unions No Longer Provide Meaningful Services n Conservative Political Environment n Continued Employer Opposition n Reduced Organizing Efforts
4 VICTIMS OF THEIR OWN SUCCESS The Labor Movement Has Been Successful in Bringing into the Middle Class Large Numbers of Americans Who are Now Not Very Interested in Joining Unions.
5 VICTIMS OF THEIR OWN SUCCESS n Old Ideas, Organizing Tactics, and Notions of Leadership, are Out of Place with Today’s Worker n They are Better Educated, Live More Comfortable Lives, They are More Independent, and Less Sensitive to Social Issues.
6 UNION RESPONSES TO THE CHALLENGES n Mergers - (UAW/Machinists/USW) n New Initiatives u New Category of Membership u Labor-Management Cooperation
7 UNION RESPONSES TO THE CHALLANGES n Change of Leadership in the AFL/CIO Sweeney - Trumka - Thompson n Expanded Executive Council by 18 Members - 10 Minorities
8 UNION RESPONSES TO THE CHALLENGES n Intensified Organizing Efforts n Increased Attention to Politics n Initiated a Public Relations Campaign
9 WHO SPEAKS FOR THE WORKER? n Many workers need someone to speak for them in dealing with their employer because they: u Lack verbal skills u Don’t understand the legal complexities of employment law u Don’t have automatic access to due process u Lack an articulate core philosophy of life
10 UNION ORGANIZING STRATEGIES n Aggressively Seek New Members Through Person-to-Person Contacts n Pay Particular Attention to Worksites with Large Numbers of Women and Minorities
11 FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS Is Union Avoidance the Primary Motivation of Management When It Provides for Improvements and Innovations in Human Resource Activities? Or
12 FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS Does Management Engage in These Activities Because They Enhance Productivity and Efficiency?