The Role of Hormones in Optimal Health Dr. Taz Bhatia Integrative Health Expert Founder, Medical Director Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine
Seeking Optimal Health: Think Hormones!
Hormone Imbalances: Common Signs and Symptoms Weight Gain Additional Rashes Pain Anxiety Depression Palpitations Acne Hair Loss Insomnia Joint Pain Fatigue
Most Common Office Visits in Primary Care Sources: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Centers for Disease Control & Prevention American Medical Association Musculoskeletal complaint Depression Anxiety Skin Disorders HTN Diabetes
Understanding the Endocrine System Hormone Imbalances Tied to Common Medical Complaints
Case Studies 34 yr old woman, post partum 6 mos. In the last 2 months noticed increasing joint pain, fatigue and mild depression. Saw her primary care physician, and was told more than likely “new mother” stress. Workup History, Physical Labs TSH 12, t3 total 1.0, total t4 3 Progesterone.3, estradiol 3 ESR 45, crp3
“ ” HORMONES ON WOMEN AND MEN IN TRANSITIONAL STAGES OF LIFE “Hormones are our life force ; the decline of hormones is the hallmark of aging.” “We don’t fear getting older ; we fear getting sick.”
Step 1: Understanding Gut + Endocrine Connection Digestion and Hormones Liver as Hormone Gut Organ: Your Laundromat Know Your Colon Diet Detoxification
Digestive Dysfunction Diet Assess Food Allergies, Food Intolerances Gut Microbiome Increase foods that vary probiotic range Paying attention to the Digestive Process Detoxification Maintain alkaline pH apple cider vinegar, lemon water Periodic Detoxes 3 day, 10 day, 28 days Liver Detoxes
The Digestive System What's missing? Your liver.
Neuro + Endocrine Connection 95% of neurotransmitters made in the gut including: Serotonin Dopamine Norepinephrine Gaba
Neuroendocrine System Symptom Anxiety Brain Fog Depression New Onset Seizures Hormone Imbalance Progesterone Estrogen Dominance Thyroid Balance Insulin
The Players: Pituitary Growth Hormone Deficiency Growth Hormone Excess Prolactin Signs and Symptoms: Aging Acceleration Poor Skin Elasticity, Hair loss
Pituitary Hormones Signs and Symptoms Global Hormone Failure Insulin Resistance
The Players: Thyroid Thyroid Hormone Deficiency Thyroid Hormone Excess Signs and Symptoms: Fatigue, Depression, Hair Loss, Weight gain, Weight loss Palpitations Dyspnea
The Players: Thyroid Labs TSH, T3 total, free Rt3 Thyroid antibodies, TPO, antithyroglobulin Treatment Remember gut first Candida, Gluten Methylation Pathway Nutritional Deficiencies: iodine, selenium, iron
The Players: Thyroid Treatment Thyroid Medications Synthyroid Levothyroxine Cytomel Tirosint Thyroid Medication Armour Thyroid Westhroid Naturethroid Acella Compounded T3, T4
The Players: Estrogen Estrogen Deficiency Signs and symptoms Brain Fog, Depression, Irregular Periods, Infertility Estrogen Excess: breast swelling, mid-cycle spotting, fibroids, ovarian cysts Labs: estradiol, estrone
The Players: Estrogen Treatment Estrogen Deficiency Body Fat analysis Fatty acid deficiency Role of cholesterol Sleep Stress Estrogen Excess Gut, Liver Connection Methylation DIM Meta I3C Role of cruciferous vegetables
The Players: Progesterone Progesterone deficiency Signs and Symptoms: Irregular periods, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations Progesterone Excess: Bloating, swelling, weight gain, brain fog
The Players: Progesterone Treatment Progesterone Deficiency Fatty acid intake Chastetree Bioidentical Progesterone Replacement Progesterone Excess Androgen Excess Liver Detoxification Choline Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes Gut Health
The Players: Insulin Insulin Resistance/ Insulin Sensitive Triggers Inflammation Signs and Symptoms: Weight Gain, Hypoglycemia, Acanthosis Nigricans, Abdominal Weight, Irregular Periods, Infertility, PCOS Labs- Cpeptide, Hgba1c, Insulin level (fasting)
Insulin Management Exercise Eating Intervals Fasting Diet Modification Medications- Metformin, Glucophage Androgen, spearmint tea Green tea Chromium/Alpha Lipoic Acid/ Choline HCG diet
The Players: Adrenal Gland, Cortisol, DHEA Adrenal Fatigue Signs and Symptoms: Fatigue, Insomnia, Global Hormone Imbalances, Depression, Anxiety Labs: Low Cortisol, Low DHEA, accompanied by low progesterone Cortisol Excess
The Players: Adrenal Gland Treatment Diet: Adrenal Diet Supplements vitamin B, vitamin C, Iron Sleep Cycle Correction Stress Recovery, Stress Management Hormone Replacement Adrenal Adaptogens DHEAs Acupuncture, Massage
Happy Hormones Leads To Perfect Health Learn more: fb/drtazmd