Diary of a Wimpy Kid By Morgan Lowe Hi everyone and I'm going to be your teacher for 15 minutes. And I’m going to be teaching all about Dairy of a wimpy kid. Hope you all enjoy !!!
There are many Diary of a Wimpy Kid books The author is Jeff Kinney and he is also the illustrator of the books. The reason why I like Diary of a wimpy kid Is because they are easy to read and I really like the – Illustrations and the story lines are really funny and cool !!!
Other facts About Jeff Kenney. He was born on the 19th of February 1971 witch means he is 44 years Old He has two children called William and one called Grant.
My favourite Diary of a Wimpy Kid My favourite diary of a wimpy kid is old school because it’s the newest Book and I got it for Christmas I really like all the books but that book is special to me because my mum knew how much I loved all the other books so she bought me the newest one that came out Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
Here are the other names of diary of a Wimpy Kid Dairy of a wimpy kid , Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick rules , Diary of a wimpy kid the last straw , Diary of a Wimpy Kid dog days , Diary of a Wimpy Kid the ugly truth ,Diary of a Wimpy Kid cabin fever , Diary of a Wimpy Kid the third wheel , Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hard luck , Diary of a Wimpy Kid the long hall and last of all Diary of a Wimpy Kid old school!!!
Who is who ? The main characters are Gregory and Rowley. Gregory's big brother is called Rodrick his smaller brother is called Manny. His mum is called Susan and his dad is called Frank. Rowley is Greg's best friend.
How many Diary of the Wimpy Kids are there in the whole collection? There are in fact 10 Diary of the Wimpy Kid story's. What's the top three Cabin Fever is the best selling book. Rodrick Rules is the 2nd best selling book. The Long Haul is the 3rd best selling book.
What are the illustrations like? in the books the pictures are 2D and he never in any of his books has colure but that’s nice. And now would you all get out a pencil and draw any character it can be one on the screen or from your imagination. You will have 5 minutes to draw you person. Three two one go!!!
Watch and listen carefully Time for a YouTube clip Watch and listen carefully This is the trailer so if you enjoy you may want to watch the actual movie.
Good bye hope you all enjoyed thank you for listening.