Trigg County High School Trigg County Middle School Horizon Youth Service Center Reducing Non-Academic Barriers and the Connection Between Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Innovation July 1, 2014 – January 31, 2015
Basic Needs STUDENTS – 2,648 Total ContactsHigh School 775Middle School 1,873 Clothing Issues at School197 contacts465 contacts Provided Clothing/Shoes to Keep8 students8 students Backpack Food Program9 students17 students Hygiene/Lice Supplies31 contacts49 contacts Health Ins/MedAssist/Physicals & Immun.6 students20 students Vision/Eyeglasses/Other Health5 students4 students Dental Services Assistance5 students1 student Kids First Mobile Dental Unit87 students114 students Mental Health Counseling26 students26 students Substance Abuse ( EduAlcohol, ASPIRE) 1 studentAvailable FAMILIES – 327 Total Parent ContactsHigh School 167Middle School 160 Food Assistance48 contacts45 contacts Free/Reduced Lunch Assistance39 students29 students Housing, Utilities, Food Stamps, etc.7 students/families5 families Holiday Assistance (Thanksgiving, Christmas) 35 students46 students Home Visit, Transport parent/student9 times12 times
Educational Assistance STUDENTSHigh SchoolMiddle School School Supplies/Clothes for PE363 contacts 1,187 contacts In-School Mentoring Program3 students5 students Provide for college/field trips, testing fees, books, etc.2 studentsFunds Available SCHOOL/CLASSROOMHigh SchoolMiddle School YSC participated in Behavior/ARC/Transition/IMPACT Mtgs2 students4 students 10 Chromebooks, 3 iPads, & 40 graphic calculatorsAvailable to HS & MS Teachers to Check Out Supplies: paper, pencils, poster boards, batteries, kleenex, etc.Available to HS & MS Teachers PBIS Committee 128 Good News Cards (HS), Incentives Operation Preparation, Transitioning, & Senior Seminar (HS)Help to plan and implement
Program Review, Curriculum, Innovation HIGH SCHOOL Resource for Project Based LearningProject ideas, network with community partners, & supplies Coordinate Substance Abuse Programs: Red Ribbon Week Banners, posters, announcements, etc. Assembly: David Parnell, Facing the Dragon9-12 th Graders Drugs, Alcohol, & Tobacco (DAT) Conference8 students Coordinate Next Generation Youth Leadership16 students Coordinate Flex Day Workshops Health Careers Institute (AHEC & Trigg Co Hospital) 11 students (every month) Workshop on money, debt, saving, etc. (Consumerism) 17 students Wellness Committee (Coordinated School Health)Chairperson Meeting Proficient or Distinguished on Program Review Healthy Schools Inventory for Student & Staff Wellness– Applying for National Recognition (bronze) Coordinate Staff Vitality Checks (for the district) Serve on District and Community Health Committees (KY-ASAP, MAPP)
Program Review, Curriculum, Innovation MIDDLE SCHOOL Resource for Project Based LearningProject ideas, network with community partners, & supplies Substance Abuse / Red Ribbon Week Banners, posters, announcements, etc. Wellness Committee (Coordinated School Health)Committee Member Coordinate Staff Vitality Checks (for the district) Serve on District and Community Health Committees (KY-ASAP, MAPP) Reality Store – ( Partner with 4-H Extension )7 th Graders Coordinate planning meetings Recruit volunteers Classroom Presentations (2 Days) Provide drinks & refreshments for volunteers Life Skills Training Program6 th & 7 th Graders Wrote Grant Two Years Ago (In year 2 of 3-year grant) Serve as Site Coordinator Training each summer Provide materials for lessons