Investing in Ocean Health Presentation to Ocean Protection Council (February 2016) Sara Aminzadeh, Executive Director, California Coastkeeper Alliance
CA’s long history of investments in marine life protection and coastal water quality
Proposition 84 Success Stories grassy swales porous pavement catch basins storm filters
Proposition 1 Guidelines and Project Solicitation Coastal Conservancy Department of Fish and Wildlife DWR Sustainable Groundwater Planning Grants Ocean Protection Council San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Sierra Nevada Conservancy SWRCB Drinking Water, Water Quality Funding, Water Recycling, Stormwater, Wastewater Treatment Projects WCB Stream Flow Enhancement & Flow Proposal Solicitation Projects that provide multiple benefits help achieve this vision and also leverage limited taxpayer dollars. Successful projects are locally supported by multiple types of stakeholders, leverage complementary funding sources where possible, and integrate benefits across a spectrum of services, including water supply and quality, public health and safety, environmental protection, economic stability and employment opportunities in impacted communities. Evaluation of such projects requires the application of objective, quantifiable criteria to measure their potential and actual benefits.
OPC Proposition 1 Guidelines as a model for incentivizing projects with multiple benefits Multiple benefits: Reduction of GHG emissions or improved carbon sequestration; Improved resiliency and adaptation to climate change; Reduced pollution into waters of the state; More resilient fisheries; Healthier marine or estuarine ecosystems; Watershed and coastal habitat restoration; Water quality improvement and protection Benefits will be evaluated based on the quantity of benefits as well as to the quality or extent the benefit improves or protects the aquatic environment
Inter-agency coordination: A path to continued success.
Let’s continue the dialogue! Sara Aminzadeh