Update on Proposed Rule Changes Certificate Level Upgrades & Educational Leadership September, 2010
Proposed Rule on Certificate Level Upgrades Proposed Changes to the Educational Leadership Certification and Preparation Rules Session Overview
Educator Certificate Level Upgrades Overview of Proposed Rule and Implementation Timeline
Why is this Rule Necessary? What will Change? Upgrade Requirements Implementation Timeline Grandfathering Remaining Work Upgrade Topics
Certificate “Level” is based on highest degree earned (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 7) Salary is based partly on certificate level Advanced degree = pay increase GA is 3 rd highest in USA for advanced degree compensation –$5K - $6K Per Degree Why is this Rule Necessary?
GA has minimal requirements for high levels of compensation: –Degree may be in any major/field –Degree must be from an accredited IHE (SACS or equivalent) $880 Million taxpayer $s spent on advanced degrees in AY Why is this Rule Necessary?
Many current upgrades are based on unused Educational Leadership degrees ($80m) Legislature is interested in “Unused Leadership Degrees” (HB455 & 923) Largest single producer of GA Educational Leadership certificates is an out of state IHE Why is this Rule Necessary?
Quality control? What is our return on this investment? Goals for advanced degrees: –Higher levels of knowledge & skills –Gains in student learning –Positive contributions to school improvement initiatives Why is this Rule Necessary?
advanced degrees, work in schools, student achievement, and salary increases Why is this Rule Necessary? We must create a stronger connection between:
Establishing those connections Narrowing the options for upgrading Creating quality control measures –Eligibility criteria for institutions –Eligibility criteria for advanced degree programs Changes?
Narrowing the options... Programs used to upgrade must be in a GaPSC field of certification –currently held by the educator or –must result in a new GaPSC field of certification The Connection
Institutions and advanced degrees leading to GA upgrades must meet the same levels of quality as GaPSC approved institutions and programs –NCATE Standards –Program quality –National accreditation Quality Control
Upgrading with an advanced degree in a field of certification held (In-Field): –Programs eligible: Master’s or higher education degree in the educator’s certification field Master’s or higher degree in the educator’s content/subject area –Examples: In-field for Early Childhood = M.Ed. in Early Childhood In-field for Secondary Math = M.Ed. in Secondary Ed./Mathematics OR M.S. in Mathematics In-field for Educational Leadership = Ed.D. in Educational Leadership OR Ph.D. in Educational Leadership In-Field Upgrade Requirements
In-state (GA) institution eligibility requirements: –The institution’s professional education unit must be approved by the GaPSC,** or –The institution must hold a Carnegie Classification of Research University-Very High Research Activity (RU/VH) or Research University-High Research Activity (RU/H)**. **NOTE: Requirement must be met at the time the individual is admitted to the program. In-Field Upgrade Requirements
Out-of-state institution eligibility requirements: –The institution must be accredited by NCATE**, or –The program must be accredited by TEAC**, or –Accreditation by the replacement of NCATE/TEAC merged**, or –The institution holds a Carnegie Classification of RU/VH or RU/H**. **NOTE: Requirement must be met at the time the individual is admitted to the program. In-Field Upgrade Requirements
Upgrading with an advanced degree leading to a new field of certification (New Field): –Programs eligible: Master’s or higher education degree in a GaPSC field of certification A program that leads to initial (first) certification –Examples: A new field for Early Childhood = M.Ed. in Special Ed. A new field for Secondary Math = M.Ed. in Science Ed. New field for School Counselor = Ed.D. in School Psychology New Field Upgrade Requirements
Additional Requirements: In order to earn the upgrade program completers must... –pass the GACE content assessment –meet all certification requirements –formally add the new field to the certificate New Field Upgrade Requirements
Program and institution eligibility requirements: –The program must be state-approved by GaPSC or other state equivalent agency –National Recognition will substitute for state agency approval if the state does not approve programs (outsourcing) –In-state (GA) institutions must have a GaPSC- approved professional education unit New Field Upgrade Requirements
Out-of-state institution eligibility requirements: –The institution must be accredited by NCATE**, or –The program must be accredited by TEAC**, or –Accreditation by the replacement of NCATE/TEAC merged**, or –The institution must hold a Carnegie Classification of RU/VH or RU/H**. **NOTE: Requirement must be met at the time the individual is admitted to the program. New Field Upgrade Requirements
If adopted in November, to be effective 12/15/10 All certificate levels in place on 12/15/10 will remain intact Grandfathering Period: 12/15/10 – 7/15/11 Grandfathered = Upgrade by “old” rules Grandfathering Requirements: –Enrolled (meaning admitted and actively engaged in coursework) by date (see next slide) AND –Completed by date (see next slide) Timeline & Grandfathering
Master’s degree programs: –Enrolled by 7/15/11 –Completed by 12/15/14 Specialist degree programs: –Enrolled by 7/15/11 –Completed by 12/15/14 Doctoral degree programs: –Enrolled by 7/15/11 –Completed by 12/15/16 Grandfathering Dates
Rules and standards for new certificate fields in: –Curriculum and Instruction –Instructional Technology –Teacher Leadership GACE Content Assessments for the new fields IHE program development & approval Remaining Work
Suggestions or Questions?
Overview of the Proposed Performance-Based Leadership Rules Review of Draft Rules (Certification) (Ed Prep)
Leadership Rules Impetus for change Overview of early redesign Proposed changes Transition timeline Q & A Session Overview
Impetus for Change The Traditional Educational Leadership Preparation Model Prior to 2007
School Law The Principalship School Finance School Facilities Instructional Leadership Curriculum Development Research Methods Educational Psychology History of Education Internship A couple of electives Traditional Leadership Programs: Curriculum
One very expensive textbook Assigned reading from the textbook Class structured around the text chapter Much lecture, some discussion, a few war stories Assigned to critique a few short articles, take mid-term & final exam, maybe write a short paper, interview someone, attend a meeting, and participate in class Traditional Program Classes
Graduates take jobs as school leaders who have – little knowledge & even less skill in leading complex organizations & building school culture –Little knowledge of school improvement –Little knowledge of how to do anything different than what is currently being done (and for many teachers & students, isn’t working) Georgia taxpayers spend about $68 million each year for unused leadership degrees Results in the proliferation of easy leadership programs The Predictable Results…
GaPSC and Bd. of Regents Office were the major actors GaDOE also involved A lot of input from university deans & faculty Input from the P-12 community Committee of leadership faculty developed the conceptual framework for the new rules BOR, PSC, DOE, GLISI & a faculty committee worked on defining what performances might look like Participants in Georgia’s First Redesign
2004 – 2006 EDL faculty & advisory committee meetings Fall 2005 Announcement of programs sunset in 2008 Spring 06 Advisory committee development of standards and framework March 07 PSC approved new Leadership Standards, effective April 15, 2007 Spring 07 Test development for GACE Spring 07PSC Leadership/Partnership Task Force established to develop guidelines for program design & implementation The Timeline for Georgia Redesign
Albany State Augusta State Berry Clark Atlanta Columbus State Ga College & State U. Ga Southern Ga State Kennesaw State* Mercer North GA College UGA UWGA Valdosta State *Program begins this fall Programs Approved
Except for KSU, all programs are underway Some have graduated first cohorts Informal reviews conducted Programs being refined based on lessons learned & review findings No out-of-state programs yet Status of Programs
Overview of Early Redesign What Performance-Based Programs “Look Like”
Redesign enabled Georgia institutions to address preparation issues Informal reviews indicate restructured programs have made many – and for some institutions - most of the needed changes Proposed changes to the rules support strengthening performance-based programs Educational Leadership Prep in GA
A substantial part of the candidate’s work should be real work, in real places, in real time Performances should be heavily weighted toward leading rather than participating or observing Performances should be embedded throughout the program, not just in the residency Role-playing, simulations, & case studies are not real Performance-Based: Defined
Content should be heavily focused on the work of schools and districts (teaching & learning) Combination of theory & practice Knowledge AND skills Culture building, leading change, developing learning communities, supervising instruction – should be a major focus in the program Performance-Based: Content
Real work, real place, real time Co-developed by the university and its partners (school districts & RESAs) Customized for the context Supervised by a mentor & a coach Supported by a candidate support team Resulting in work that is immediately useful to the school or district Performance-Based: Performances
Proposed Changes to the Educational Leadership Rules (Certification) (Ed Prep)
No GACE for program entry Replaced by pre-service requirements: school law & ethics, & one additional course or the equivalent –GACE was designed as a measure of program completion –To provide some knowledge foundation –To provide some assurance of minimal preparation Significant Change: Program Entry
Prospective candidates must have a Master’s degree in –Educational leadership or –Another education field or –From PSC-approved list (examples: public administration, M.B.A.), or –Enter education through GaTAPP & 5 years education experience Significant Change: Program Entry
Stronger emphasis on program admission that is a combination of university requirements and partner requirements –Meet university admission criteria –Meet additional criteria as described in the partnership agreement Significant Change: Program Entry
Emphasizes the importance of the partnership Clarifies that residency work is a program- long requirement (one-half or more of the program must be in residency work) Clarifies that people in agencies and organizations can enter leadership programs for system level certification Other Significant Changes
Only one non-renewable certificate will be issued (both NL & NPL are issued under current rule) – the NPL, only when requested by the school system and only for people in leadership positions (not for those in leadership roles) Makes clear distinction between leadership roles & positions Significant Change: NL & NPL
Clarifies conversion of L to PL Clarifies adding the other level (building or system) Addresses issue of holders of PL6 certificates in doctoral programs Indicates that guidelines accompany the rule Other Significant Changes
If approved in November, revised rule will be effective December 2010 September 1, 2011 – after this date, GACE is not required for admission During fall 2011, prospective candidates can satisfy pre-service requirements Beginning January 2012, candidates admitted to performance-based leadership programs enter after satisfying pre-service requirements Transition Timeline
Suggestions or Questions?