Hanyue Yang Applied Research Project
Actuary New YorkBoston Year$87,400$73,600 Month$ $
Budget (month) New YorkBoston Living expense (rent apt.) Transportation (public) Utilities (electricity, gas, interest etc.)
New YorkBoston Groceries (16% less) Health insurance (based on my situation) Tax
New YorkBoston Meal1,080 (18*2*30) 960 (16*2*30) Others (sum of all items in based on expense chart *12 monthes) Gross expense
New York
New YorkBoston $38.53$ Difference of cost and income
Boston is a better choice! The two charts strongly support the conclusion. So high salary does not always means higher living standard. Taking actuary for example, Boston seems a better choice although the salary is lower.
Job titleSalaries Financial analyst60,521 Senior financial analyst70,184 CFO135,823 MBA Degree
Job titleSalaries Marketing director73,542 Marketing director119,826 Operation manager72,518 Finance manager94,196
ItemCost Tuition80,000 Boarding and books40,000 Peripheral expenditure20,000 Gross total cost14,000 Average Cost
School NameCost Columbia168,307 Wharton168,000 Stanford166,812 Chicago165,190 Dartmouth162,750 Top MBA Cost
MBA program seems very costly. However, for most MBA programs, over 50% of students get financial aid, so it makes the cost more reasonable. To pursue a higher position, MBA is a really good choice, especially after working for 3-4 years. Conclusion