安徽省铜陵市一中 执教者 : 阮兴武
What adjectives would you use to describe dad? Brainstorming
tolerant patient caring curious powerful dependable generous strict selfless calm loving capable silent serious … open-minded model optimistic
Paragraph 1 What does “It is never too late to need Dad” mean? It is never too late to need Dad. When we’re little, Daddy is in charge of the world as we know it. Yes. I know we have a President, some countries have kings or prime ministers, but they are really not in charge of the world. Dad knows everything, he can do anything, he is always right, and he can always fix things. He’s almost like God.
“Hey, Dad! Can I use the car for a date tonight?” “Yeah. Be home before midnight.” Arriving home at 2:30 a.m., Dad was up waiting. We don’t understand about love and anger when we’re kids. Dads yell and shout, and we don’t realize it is because they care; we think it is because they have to be tough. Not this time. He said, “Thank God you’re safe. Go to bed, we’ll talk about this in the morning.” “Hey, Dad! I got into trouble at school today. I didn’t really do anything wrong. That stupid teacher won’t listen to me.” “I’ll listen. What happened? Is that really what happened?” Next day, Dad is at my school, talking with my teacher, fixing the misunderstanding. He has such power! I can always count on Dad. “Hey, Dad! Do you have twenty bucks I could borrow?” He does. Even if he doesn’t, he will find it or go without something so he will have it. Then he feels embarrassed when we pay him back, and he says, “No, you don’t have to pay it.” but we do because it is important to do the right thing. Dad taught us that. If we get our foot caught in a bear trap, Dad will free the foot, bind it, and take us to the doctor. Dad doesn’t panic; he, being Dad, just automatically knows what to do, and does it. He buries our non-human family members; he fixes the things we break. The small things Dad does for us make us feel valuable and important.
Paragraph 2 Features: Evidence: “Hey, Dad! Can I use the car for a date tonight?” “Yeah. Be home before midnight.” Arriving home at 2:30 a.m., Dad was up waiting. We don’t understand about love and anger when we’re kids. Dads yell and shout, and we don’t realize it is because they care; we think it is because they have to be tough. Not this time. He said, “Thank God you're safe. Go to bed, we’ll talk about this in the morning.”
Paragraph 3 Features: Evidence: “Hey, Dad! I got into trouble at school today. I didn’t really do anything wrong. That stupid teacher won’t listen to me.” “I’ll listen. What happened? Is that really what happened?” Next day, Dad is at my school, talking with my teacher, fixing the misunderstanding. He has such power! I can always count on Dad.
Paragraph 4 “Hey, Dad! Do you have twenty bucks I could borrow?” He does. Even if he doesn’t, he will find it or go without something so he will have it. Then he feels embarrassed when we pay him back, and he says, “No, you don’t have to pay it.” but we do because it is important to do the right thing. Dad taught us that. Features: Evidence:
Paragraph 5 If we get our foot caught in a bear trap, Dad will free the foot, bind it, and take us to the doctor. Dad doesn’t panic; he, being Dad, just automatically knows what to do, and does it. He buries our non-human family members; he fixes the things we break. The small things Dad does for us make us feel valuable and important. Features: Evidence:
Paragraph 6 What does the writer want to become? Regardless of what Dad does, he mostly cares, and can be counted on to be on our side. It is okay to become the Dad who knows everything, and does everything, and who is in charge of the world.
By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong. --- Charles Wadsworth Sharing What can you get from this quote to help understand your dad better?
Love your dad back!
Assignment 1.Write down what you’ve shared within your group or the class. 2. Do something, however small it is, to show your love to your Dad.