EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control Key Elements of an effective Export Control System
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 2 No single model exists Each state needs to decide on its own system, depending on legal and administrative traditions Certain key elements can be found in many systems all over the world International benchmarks: UNSCR 1540, International Control Regimes; EU legal point of reference: The EU Dual- use Regulation One size fits all?
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 3 “Strategic trade controls” vs. “export controls”: It’s not only about “exports” anymore One single / comprehensive piece of legislation or multitude of different pieces of legislation? Legislation may cover controls over armaments and items that have a relevance with regard to weapons of mass destruction Legislation - Some general remarks
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 4 Mix of primary and secondary legislation? Provide for quick updates. Legislation is the basis of the export control system and is a basic requirement for further training and awareness raising Legal framework should be easily understandable - to exporters and to enforcement community Legislation - More general remarks
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 5 SecurityTrade The challenge
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 6 Statement of purpose as a starting point? It’s about national security and about meeting international commitments in the fights against WMD Basic idea is quite simple: No unauthorised export of WMD-related items and technologies - No exports of critical or controlled items without authorisation Legislation - Purpose / objective
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 7 Possible areas: Exports (tangible and intangible) Transits / Transshipment Brokering activities Services / Technical assistance Imports Different instruments are available: Prohibitions License requirements Legislation - Scope of controls
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 8 Part of the legislation – describes controlled items (including technology and software) by technical parameters Exports of “listed items” always require an authorisation Lists normally contain Dual-use items (items that could be used for civilian and military purposes) and military items Optional: Additional items, on a national basis Lists established by multilateral regimes as international reference lists Control lists
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 9 Scope: Items not covered by control lists Complements listed items principle “Catch-all-controls” or end-use related controls: These controls can be used to control all items if a critical end- use is suspected To do: Define “critical end-uses”, in particular end uses in connection with WMD Define a mechanism to trigger controls Legislation - Controls of non-listed items
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 10 The legal framework could also be used to implement sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council Regional or national embargo decisions could be added Legislation - Implementation of Embargos
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 11 The legal framework needs to designate competent authorities to implement the controls (“Who will do the job”) Controls are implemented through a licensing process, generally defined by regulations (“How will the job be done”?) Certain key features should be considered e.g. Licensing criteria Licenses (different types) Submission procedures / Forms Responsibilities and duties of parties involved Licensing Authority and Licensing Process
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 12 Licensing Authority and Licensing Process Pre-Licence Phase Awareness raising / guidance to exporters Information exchange between authorities Application Procedure Assessment of information provided by exporters Information exchange between authorities Decision on license Post-Licence Phase Information exchange Compliance checks
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 13 Export controls are a cooperative task – coordination and cooperation within the administration and across administrations is key Not only from a legal point of view authorities must be enabled to work together Cooperation takes place at different levels, in particular with regard to the decision-making process and the enforcement process Technical expertise is required and is probably available somewhere – how can this know-how be made available? Cross-governmental cooperation
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 14 Enforcement / Sanctions Voluntary compliance cannot be taken for granted Enforcement authorities must be empowered to prevent, detect and investigate infringements Customs authorities play a key role Effective, appropriate and dissuasive sanctions should be in place
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 15 Role of Exporters Governments cannot do the job alone – efficiency of export control system depends on the vigilance of exporters Exporters need to be aware of export control legislation - Outreach to industry and academia is a key element of an effective export control system Industries should implement internal compliance programmes
EU-Thailand Cooperation in Export Control 16 Contact Kai Kiessler Head of Division Licenses for Dual Use Items Federal Office of Economics and Export Control / Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) Tel: +49 (0) Fax +49 (0) Thank you for your attention!