Making Tourism Development More Sustainable INTERNATIONAL TASKFORCE ON SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT “MARRAKESH PROCESS” Financing Tourism Development 3rd Meeting, Paris, 10-12 December 2007 Luigi Cabrini Director Sustainable Development of Tourism World Tourism Organization
International tourism, 2006 Tourist arrivals and receipts International Tourist Arrivals (ITA) 846 million = +5.4% International Tourism Receipts (ITR) US$737 billion = +4.7% 461 million (+5%) 55% of World ITA US $375 billion (+4%) 167 million (+8%) US $155 billion (+10%) 41 million (+8%) US $29 bn (+2%) 41 million (+8%) US $24 billion (+10%) 136 million (+2%) US $154 billion (+2%)
Tourism vs. other export categories
International Trade in Services 2006 International Tourism Receipts Over US$ 2 billion a day in 2005
Tourism as Generator of Wealth Advanced Diversified Economies Tourism as % of GDP Advanced Diversified Economies 2-12 % of GDP Small Island Economies and Developing Economies up till 40% of GDP
Importance Tourism in Developing Countries International Tourism Income (in billion US$) 1990 2000 2006 Growth rate World 264 474 733 177 % Developing Countries 43 122 222 416 % Developing Countries (Market share) 16.3% 25.7% 30.3% In 2006, international tourism arrivals in developing countries grew to over 39% of the world total, and international tourism receipts to 30% Principal export sector in one third of the developing countries First source of foreign exchange earnings in most of the 49 LDC’s (excluding oil)
International Tourist Arrivals, 1950-2020 Current situation and forecasts UNWTO Tourism 2020 Vision
Continuous expansion of tourism Need for the sustainable development Need for the sustainable development of tourism Continuous expansion of tourism Increasing pressure on the environment of tourism destinations, global impacts Kkkkllkk Need for the sustainable development of the tourism sector
All forms of tourism should be more sustainable Both mass tourism and special interest segments Make optimal use of environmental resources Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve tangible and intangible heritage Ensure economically viable tourism businesses in the long term Catalyzing benefits for communities, reducing leakages and strengthening linkages Provide a high quality tourist experience, maintain high levels of satisfaction
12 Aims of Sustainable Tourism Economic viability Local Prosperity Employment Quality Social Equity Visitor Fulfillment Local Control Community Wellbeing Cultural Richness Physical Integrity Biological Diversity Resource Efficiency Environmental Purity
Sustainable Development of Tourism 1. Economic viability To ensure the viability and competitiveness of tourism destinations and enterprises, so that they are able to continue to prosper and deliver benefits in the long term. 2. Local Prosperity To maximize the contribution of tourism to the economic prosperity of the host destination, including the proportion of visitor spending that is retained locally. 3. Employment Quality To strengthen the number and quality of local jobs created and supported by tourism, including the level of pay, conditions of service and availability to all without discrimination by gender, race, disability or in other ways. 4. Social Equity To seek a widespread and fair distribution of economic and social benefits from tourism throughout the recipient community, including improving opportunities, income and services available to the poor.
Sustainable Development of Tourism 5. Visitor Fulfillment To provide a safe, satisfying and fulfilling experience for visitors, available to all without discrimination by gender, race, disability or in other ways. 6. Local Control To engage and empower local communities in planning and decision making about the management and future development of tourism in their area, in consultation with other stakeholders. 7. Community Wellbeing To maintain and strengthen the quality of life in local communities, including social structures and access to resources, amenities and life support systems, avoiding any form of social degradation or exploitation. 8. Cultural Richness To respect and enhance the historic heritage, authentic culture, traditions and distinctiveness of host communities.
Sustainable Development of Tourism 9. Physical Integrity To maintain and enhance the quality of landscapes, both urban and rural, and avoid the physical and visual degradation of the environment. 10. Biological Diversity To support the conservation of natural areas, habitats and wildlife, and minimize damage to them. 11. Resource Efficiency To minimize the use of scarce and non-renewable resources in the development and operation of tourism facilities and services. 12. Environmental Purity To minimize the pollution of air, water and land and the generation of waste by tourism enterprises and visitors.
Municipal, public services Tourism services Integrated tourism destination and supply chain management Public-private partnerships, policies at national and local levels Municipal, public services Tourism services DESTINATION Access Air transport Water Land transport Waste Sewage Hotel, restaurant other sites Energy Tour operators Telecommunication Tourist information Guides
Instruments for making tourism more sustainable Command and control instruments Economic instruments Voluntary instruments Supporting instruments Measurement instruments
Instruments for making tourism more sustainable 1. Command and control instruments Legislation, regulation and licensing Land use planning and development control 2. Voluntary instruments Guidelines and codes of conduct Reporting and auditing Certification, eco-labels Awards Private sector policies, associations
Instruments for making tourism more sustainable 3. Economic instruments Taxes and charges Financial incentives and agreements 4. Supporting instruments Infrastructure provision and management Capacity building Marketing and information services Green Certificate - Green Holidays Marketing support for small rural tourism businesses
5. Measurement instruments Sustainability indicators and monitoring Identifying tourism limits In support of the other policy tools (e.g. verification, measurement of the compliance with standards, regulations, voluntary certification criteria)
UNWTO Guide on Indicators Extensive review of international experiences Involvement of 62 experts from 20 countries Focus on local destinations, also covering applications at regional, national and business levels A recommended procedure for indicators development A categorized list of common issues and indicators Destination-specific applications The role of indicators in tourism policy and planning Ample range of case studies
Expression of indicators Quantitative measurements Raw data (number of tourists visiting a site/year/month, volume of waste generated) Ratios (ratio of the n. of tourists to local residents) Percentage (% of trained staff, % change in visitor numbers, expenditures) Qualitative/normative measurements Category indices (level of protection) Normative indicators (existence of tourism management plan, yes/no) Nominal indicators (e.g. eco-labels, certifications) Opinion-based indicators (level of satisfaction of tourists, or of local residents)
Types of sustainability indicators early warning indicators (species disappearance) indicators of stresses on the system (crime rates) measures of current state of tourism (occupancy, satisfaction) measures of tourism impacts (deforestation rates, change in property prices) measures of management efforts (cleanup cost, repairs) measures of management effect and performance (changed pollution levels, more returning tourists)
Benefits from good indicators Better decision-making, lower risks and costs, identify limits and opportunities Identification of emerging risks - prevention Identification of impacts - corrective action Performance measurement of the implementation of development plans and management actions Greater public accountability, better communication Constant monitoring - continuous improvement
“What you cannot measure, you cannot manage”
Sustainability indicators – basic tool A “thermometer” of tourism sustainability º C 39 - - 38 - - 37 - - 36 - - To identify and measure the entire range of impacts (environmental and socio-economic) that tourism can have in a particular area or society. Accurate information is needed for responsible decision-making Alert: Remedial action!! Caution: Preventive measures! OK, doing well Sustainability indicators are information sets which are formally selected for a regular use to measure changes in key assets and issues of tourism destinations and operations.
Success factors for indicators application Linked with policy objectives and actions to support planning and management processes Participatory processes – all stakeholders are information providers and users at the same time Support by designated experts and professionals Systematic gathering of information – procedures on how is responsible for what data, frequency and form of collection Regular reporting of the results with adequate forms for different stakeholder groups Good communication Revision of indicator applications – gradual and continuous improvement of data gathering, processing and reporting processes
UNWTO Survey 2007 Responses from 74 Member States Inclusion of sustainability objectives in the tourism strategy Establishment of a system of indicators measuring the sustainability of tourism
Thank you!