Guidelines to Excel “Matching tables” Morten Borrebæk, Norwegian Mapping Authority Thomas Ellett, Norwegian Mapping Authority Brussels,
Data harmonization – different approaches Several options considered for matching NMCA models to INSPIRE model: 1 Compare NMCA UML models to INSPIRE UML Models 2 Semi automated comparison of GML Application schema by Humboldt Alignment editor 3 Comparison of NMCA and INSPIRE models by domain experts Using Microsoft Excel
Why Microsoft Excel matching tables? Not all NMCA’s have UML models The Humboldt Alignment editor was not sufficiently mature when the approach was considered. All NMCA’s have access to Microsoft Excel Apart from the guidelines, there is virtually no learning curve for most contributers.
Full Matching Table Layout Left hand side of the matching Table is filled out automatically Using the Shapechange Software from Interactive Instruments. Only instantiable feature types included Left hand side – INSPIRE ModelRight Hand Side – NMCA Model
Left Hand Side – INSPIRE Model SupertypesAssociation RoleAssociation Role Documentation Voidable Multiplicity Type Attribute Value/EnumerationConstraint
Right Hand Side – NMCA model The same layout as Left hand side with 2 additional columns Status Remarks
One table per Annex 1 theme or subtheme Geographical Names Hydrography Physical Waters Base Network
Some Important Guidelines Type, Documentation and status are mandatory, all other columns are optional Scale Must be filled in in English
Status and Remarks Columns The Status column can only have a value contained in one of two codelists. Status Codelist for Type, Attribute or Association 1:1 Used if the match is a 1:1 or for the physical non- existence of the data within the country e.g Waterfalls in Denmark. Easy Used if the match requires some processing (such as aggregation of types of attributes), transformation or additions, but is simple to execute. Difficult Used if the match requires some processing which is likely to be difficult to execute. Not Available Used if the type,attribute or association is not present in the NMCA or EuroGeographics Datamodel. Status Codelist for Constraints Yes Used if the constraint is matched No Used if the constraint is not matched NA Used if the associated type,attribute or association is not present in the NMCA or EuroGeographics datamodel. The Remarks column is to be used for any information that the officer filling in the table feels is relevant to the match. This is especially important if the status value is ‘Difficult’. This column is also used in WP7 for entering the reference scale of the NMCA data. If a value of ‘easy’ or ‘difficult’ is entered into the Status column, the reason for entering this value should be put in the Remarks column.