exporting machinery, apparatus, partial products etc. free of charge used for the purpose of urgent repairs to support safe operation of ship or airplane - returning the imported strategic items to its manufacturer or original exporter - exporting the strategic items relating to dual-use items of WA that the total export price of the relevant items is no more than USD 8,000 (provided that it is excluded if exporting strategic items to exceed USD 30,000 during 1 year) - items are exported to display at expo, sampling event or exhibition under the condition of re-carry in within 1 year thereafter or discarded at overseas location - and so on
010 1) to export to a company running wholesale/retail business (except for logistics, transport business) over 2 years after distribution permit granted or operating regular business over 1 year after manufacturing permit granted in the importing country 2) to export dual-use items under Wassenaar Arrangement 3) exported items are not to be re-exported => (1+2+3) = a final consignee can be deemed the end user
014 Needed when : - Korean national or foreigner residing in Korea makes a brokering trade between 3 rd party countries Exempted when : it falls in any of the followings (* need to report details within 7 days after export) 1. obtained export license from an exporting country in accordance with the international export control system 2. the exporting or importing country belongs to the “Ka(A)” region 3. the exporter is certified by Korean Gov. as a CP(verified exporter with compliance program) and the trade doesn’t fall on red flags
015 CaseNon-CP/AAA/AAA 1) if the exporter gets an export license(from exporting country) NLR need to report within 7 days need to report periodically 2) if an exporting/importing country is in “Ka(A)” region NLR need to report within 7 days need to report periodically 3) if the trade doesn’t fall on red flags(only when 1) or 2) is not applicable) NecessaryNLR need to report periodically 4) if the trade falls on red flags(only when 1) or 2) is not applicable) Necessary
017 Import Contract Export Contract Transfer of Cargo Linkage of A and B Transfer of Cargo Intermediary Merchandising or Brokering a type of export, Individual Export License is necessary not a party involved in a contract, Brokering License is necessary
018 Korea Japan China Import Contract Export Contract Transfer of Cargo * directly involved in import/export contract * either the cargo comes into Korean territory(to bonded area, customs clearance not cleared) and move to China, or it moves from Japan to China directly, it is a type of export under the Foreign Trade Act(but not under the Customs Law)
019 Korea Japan China Transfer of Cargo Direct Contract Transfer of Cargo Direct Contract Link between A and B * not directly involved in import/export contract and get a commission * either the cargo comes into Korean territory(to bonded area, customs clearance not cleared) and move to China, or it moves from Japan to China directly, it is a type of export under the Foreign Trade Act(but not under the Customs Law)
020 Korea 1 China * Arrow mark shows the flow of transfer of cargo * a “Korea 2” company is involved in indirect export with a “Korea 1” company and not relevant to the export directly → no obligation of getting a license * a “Korea 1” company is an exporter, which has to classify the item are controlled or not and get an export license accordingly Korea 2 Export Contract Delivery Contract