Making Inferences QR Code Cards Grades 4 th & 5th Student Task Independently or in pairs, students set out to locate the QR code clues with their copy of the student response sheet. Students read the clues carefully to infer which word from the word bank is being described. Students record their answers on the line that matches the number on the bottom left of each QR code card. Finally, students use an iPad, iPod, or other Smart device to check their answers by scanning the QR codes.
CCSS Standards Grade Levels: 4 th & 5 th CCSS – Grades 4 th & 5th LA.4.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL [Grade Level Standard] - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing INFERENCES from the text. LA.5.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1 - [Anchor Standard] - Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical INFERENCES from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
Making Inferences Name: ___________________ Directions: Read the clues and write the correct answer using words from the Word Bank. When your sheet is complete, scan the QR codes to check your answers! 1.___________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________ 4.___________________________________________________ 5.___________________________________________________ 6.___________________________________________________ 7.___________________________________________________ 8.___________________________________________________ 9.___________________________________________________ 10.___________________________________________________ Student Response Sheet Word Bank The Moon Pluto/Dwarf Planets Mercury Uranus Venus Saturn Earth Mars Jupiter Neptune
Making Inferences #1 – Solar System I am named after the Roman messenger to the gods. I am the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest traditional planet in the Solar System. I am almost impossible to see because I am so small and so close to the Sun. I am the second planet away from the Sun and the closest planet to Earth. I am named after the Roman goddess of Love and Beauty. I have a thick swirling cloud cover over my surface. I rotate extremely slow, taking 243 days to turn on my axis. #2 – Solar System What am I?
Making Inferences #3 – Solar System I am the third planet from the Sun and the largest of the four Inner Planets. I am in the perfect position in the Solar System – not too close to the Sun and not too far away – not to hot nor too cold. Most of my surface (70 %) is covered by water. I am the Earth’s only natural satellite, and I am the second brightest object in the sky after the Sun. My surface is very old, and the I have craters that are billions of years old. They are seen all over my surface. I reflect light from the Sun. #4 – Solar System What am I?
Making Inferences #5 – Solar System I am the fourth planet form the Sun and the last of the four Inner Planets. I am the second closest planet to Earth and I am about half as wide. I am named after the Roman god of War. I am sometimes called the Red Planet because of my red color. I am the biggest planet in the Solar System and I am the first of the four Gas Giants. I have a very strong pull of gravity and very faint rings spinning around me. I am made mostly of gas. I have a Great Red Spot, which is a storm that has been going on for centuries. #6 – Solar System What am I?
Making Inferences #7 – Solar System I am quite often regarded as one of the most beautiful and outstanding objects in the Solar System. I am a gigantic planet with huge rings surrounding me. I am made up of gas. I am named after the Roman god of agriculture and vegetation. I am the seventh planet in the Solar System. I was discovered by William Herschel in 1781 using a home-made telescope. I am named after the Greek god, Uranus, who, in mythology, ruled the heavens. I am the third largest planet in the Solar Sytem. #8 – Solar System What am I?
Making Inferences #9 – Solar System I am known as Uranus’s twin planet. I have a thick gassy atmosphere full of mainly hydrogen and helium. I have winds that can blow at speeds up to 2,000 kilometers an hour! I also have thirteen moons that are very small surrounding me. I am the most famous of the small worlds orbiting the Sun. I was known as a planet until My friends and I were put into a special category in 2006 after it was realized that there may be several objects small like me in the Solar System. #10 – Solar System What am I?