Effectively Marketing to the New Generation of Parents Eric Downing Marketing Specialist CSD/Fulcrum Foundation Best practices for websites and social media
Your school is a BRAND (sorry, but it’s true.)
Effective Brand Communication
Who you are Mission/purpose Why someone should attend your school
Know Your Audience Research Define Understand
Three key components to brand communication: True Relevant Different
Who is responsible for communicating your brand?
JFK Memorial High School
Communicating Your Brand Online Make your web presence work for you!
The new generation of parents use the Internet as their primary research and decision-making tool.
Why does your school have a website?
Goals of your school’s website Solicit new families/students Retain current enrollment Increase involvement and donations Communicate to parents/community (auction/events, Scrip program, picture day, parent conferences) Communication from teachers to students Provide resources to students, parents, etc. Alumni information/communication
What’s the ideal action you want your audience to take based on your goal(s)? The content of your website should lead your audience to this action.
A Successful Website is Content Rich
A Successful Website is a Valued Resource
Economy of Scale
(Not quite) Everything you wanted to know about online Social Networking
Definition of Terms – Facebook Accts. PROFILE A Facebook account for an individual person The most common Facebook entity If you’re personally on Facebook, this is what you have GROUP A Facebook account administered by a current Facebook user – usually focused around a cause or belief – that other Facebook users can join Similar to a real-world Club Can be established by anyone, for any reason
Definition of Terms – Facebook Accts. PAGE Exists specifically so professional organizations can have a presence on Facebook Can ONLY be created by an AUTHORIZED representative of that organization (please read again) Is not linked to a personal account/PROFILE (unlike a GROUP), nor can a PAGE actively interact with PROFILES or GROUPS People interact with a PAGE by becoming a “Fan” of that page. Once they become a Fan, they can receive newsfeeds from that PAGE. A PAGE cannot directly solicit Fans; Individuals must do the legwork for them.
BEFORE you create a Facebook Page: Determine the purpose/goal of your Page You MUST have someone tasked to regularly update and monitor the Page Establish your Fanbase (this is KEY); let them know in advance that you’re creating a PAGE, and encourage them to join and visit it once it’s live. Plan in advance what you will post on the page; think at least a month out (at least four postings) Plan on posting once or twice a week, but it is also important NOT to post simply for posting’s sake. Keep your posts strategic, relevant and/or targeted.
Remember… The benefit of having a presence on social networking sites is to create connections with others, not simply to have a presence on Facebook. Your goal(s) should always revolve around developing relationships. The medium is NOT the message.
Good Reads on New Media
Social Media Resources mashable.com casefoundation.org/social-media-tutorials