Albert Gallatin School District Mr. Carl Bezjak - Superintendent
Brief overview of the Dashboard Early Warning System/Intervention Catalog (EWS/IC) Benefits and Implementation of the EWS/IC View demo site Question and Answer Discussion
The EWS is a free, voluntary tool available to all LEA’S within the Commonwealth Identifies students at risk of dropping out Builds a library of district specific interventions Sets goals for individual student and overall school achievement Improves student success rates
The Early Warning System focuses on the ABC’s of Early Warning Indicators as presented in Dr. Robert Balfanz’s research Attendance Behavior Course Performance
The EWS Dashboard has an Intervention Catalog that is customized by each individual LEA This catalog serves as a catalyst for communication Students are assigned local interventions specific to his or her need Staff members can track progress and rate the interventions Interventions are categorized by area of need and specialization DashboardDemo/ DashboardDemo/
Who are the members of the Dashboard Team? ◦ Superintendent ◦ Data Steward ◦ Principal ◦ School Counselor ◦ Career Counselor ◦ Intervention Specialists ◦ Other District Administrators
Data Steward ◦ Discussion with your staff and student software vendor ◦ Creation of templates including mapping ◦ Designed based on existing PIMS template formats (making process more streamlined) ◦ District PIMS coordinators would have an advantage using the Dashboard template ◦ Student and staff templates used for data extraction ◦ Some template dependency rules apply ◦ Dashboard EWS manuals are similar to PIMS manuals
◦ Data quality/security (EWS and PIMS). Dashboard data segregated from PIMS data ◦ Frequency of submissions determined by LEA (nightly refresh) ◦ Deletion request similar to PIMS ◦ PDE portal registration required for EWS users ◦ EWS Cognos reports available ◦ Enhancements include state and local assessment data ◦ Automated web services available from some vendors ◦ School districts are provided technical support via PDE and the help desk
Executive Champion ◦ Represents and advocates for the project at a high level ◦ Coordinates all levels of responsibility within the Dashboard Team ◦ Maintains access to all district level data ◦ At Albert Gallatin, the Superintendent
Intervention Catalog Specialist ◦ Coordinates district offered interventions and facilitates connections with local agencies within the community ◦ Responsible for maintaining and updating the interventions available within the intervention catalog ◦ Maintains access to all middle school data ◦ Such as assistant principal or school counselor
Implementation Team ◦ Oversee the Dashboard implementation ◦ Allows for professional development time for teachers and staff ◦ Assigns interventions to students from intervention catalog as part of the dialog within the team ◦ Maintains data from your “home based school” ◦ Generally principals, assistant principals, head teachers, counselors and SAP team members
Teacher ◦ Review individual data for flagged students ◦ Create “watch lists” ◦ Only has access to individual students on classroom rosters
◦ Our district team formally meets monthly ◦ Individual school teams meet weekly within the framework of the SAP meetings ◦ Teachers meet within grade levels to discuss individual student data
◦ Initially, some login/access issues through PDE website, but resolved quickly ◦ Time constraints ◦ Budget restraints that affect the interventions in the intervention catalog ◦ Limited resources of our region ◦ Getting everyone on the same page and sharing the same mission-Keeping kids on their educational path
◦ Easy access and user friendly ◦ Flagged students at risk of dropping out (only program that red-flags students) ◦ Highlights trends over time ◦ Ability to create “watch lists” ◦ Automated web services/support/help desk available ◦ Ability to upload student pictures ◦ Teacher input and ratings of interventions ◦ Students identified in Dashboard (Gifted, Special Education, 504, ELL) ◦ Educators can only view their assigned students (LEA use only, no 3 rd party access) ◦ Availability of current research on the indicators ◦ *Drill down data
ov/DashboardDemo/ ov/DashboardDemo/ Login ID : CodyWest Password : 123
Mr. Carl Bezjak Mrs. Kathy Hershberger PDE Dashboard Team including former First Lady Mrs. Susan Corbett District Administrative Team MMS Faculty and Staff