The EU waste Policy – Latest News Michel SPONAR - European Commission, DG Environment
Outline of the Presentation 1. Policy context 2. Progress on key actions 3. Progress on key objectives 4. Current context and future trends 5. Lessons learnt and outlook for the future
Policy context
Main Objective: “Moving towards a recycling society” Approach: Full implementation of the legislation Simplification and Modernisation IA approach and Life Cycle Thinking Waste Prevention/hierarchy Thematic Strategy on Waste Prevention and Recycling
Waste prevention and Recycling Strategy Waste Framework Directive Waste Streams Waste Treatment Operations Framework Legislation Waste Shipment Regulation Incineration (Energy Recovery) Landfill Directive Recycling standards (under new WFD) Sewage Sludge Batteries Accumu- lators Packaging Packaging Waste PCBs, PCTsEnd-of-Life Vehicles Electrical & Electronic Equipment Mining Waste Hazardous Substances in WEEE
Moving up the waste hierarchy Prevention Recycling Recovery Disposal Re-use
SOME TARGETS IN EU WASTE LEGISLATION min recoverymin recyclingcollection rate Packaging %55% Cars %85%100% Electronics %50% min 4 kg per inhabitant per year 85% of WEEE arising (COM proposal) Batteries % to 75% (efficiency) % % Tyres landfill of tyres Biowaste diverted from landfills 2006reduction to 75% of the 1995 level 2009reduction to 50% of the 1995 level 2016reduction to 35% of the 1995 level New targets 2015Separate collection: at least paper/metal/plastic/glass (WFD) % recycling household waste % construction and demolition waste re-use/recovery and recyling
Worldwide waste market : +/- 300 billion euro USA EU15+NOJapan industrial (non-hazardous) municipal Million euro Source: “ Du rare à l’infini – Panorama mondial des déchets 2009, Véolia and CyclOpe 0.76% GDP 0.87% GDP 2.5% GDP
Environment: Infringement cases by sector (2009) Source: European Commission, DG Environment Waste: 19%
Progress on key actions
Key actions of the Thematic Strategy 1. Implementation and enforcement 2. Simplification and modernisation 3. Introduction of life-cycling thinking 4. Waste prevention 5. Knowledge-base 6. Recycling standards 7. EU recycling policy
Progress on key objectives
Overall Waste Generation Source: Eurostat 2010
Waste generation per MS (in 1000 tonnes) Source: Eurostat 2010
Municipal waste Generation and Management in the EU Source: Eurostat 2010 Kg of per capita and per year
Trends in recycling of Municipal Solid Waste Source: Eurostat and for Luxembourg, Norway and the Czech Republic ETC/SCP, 2009
Trends in incineration of municipal waste Source: derived from Eurostat 2010 Kg per year and per capita
Trends in landfilling of municipal waste Source: EEA 2009, Diverting waste from landfill – Effectiveness of waste-management policies in the European Union (Report 7)
Progress achieved: paper recycling Source: CEPI, European Recovered Paper Council, 2009, European Declaration on Paper Recycling 2006 – 2010, Monitoring Report
Source: Arising based on UN University study estimates, Collected based on Member States reports under Eurostat validation Progress achieved: e-waste recycling Kg per year and per capita
First signals are showing: Limited progress in terms of Waste prevention Encouraging progress for recycling Less landfilling Remarkable differences between Member States Are we moving in the right direction?
Current context and Future trends
Increased globalization Source: Eurostat Comext Statistics, EEA 2010, The European Environment, State and Outlook 2010 : Thematic Assessment – Material Resources and Waste
Growing Resource Use Source: EEA 2010 derived from SERI GLOBAL 2000, Friends of the Earth Europe (2009)
Price of raw materials Virgin pulp prices (Western Europe averages), Recovered paper average prices (European weighted averages), Source: CEPI, European Recovered Paper Council, 2009, European Declaration on Paper Recycling 2006 – 2010, Monitoring Report
Waste Generation and Management Source: EEA Trends and outlook for management of municipal waste in the EU-27, baseline scenario
Outlook for the future
20 kg Electrical and Electronic Waste per EU citizen per year Recycling provides metals and has much lower impacts than mining Recycling and resource efficiency
Moving towards Sustainable Material Management (1) Environmental impact of materials Source: UNEP Panel on resource, 2010
Moving towards Sustainable Material Management (2) Source: Derived from an ongoing study ; “Analysis of the key contributions to Resource Efficiency", BIO Intelligence Service with Social Ecology Vienna, for DG ENV
GHG Emissions – Waste Management Source: EEA 2010, GHG Emissions avoided due to better management of municipal waste in the EU 27 (excluding Cyprus), Norway and Switzerland EU GHG emission reduction target: 720 M tons by 2020
The importance of product-design
Ensure full implementation of existing acquis Make full use of Economic instruments Ensure better synergies between waste and: Resource policies Product policies Climate policies Improve EU recycling markets Improve knowledge-base First lessons learnt
Thank you for your attention
Composition of waste in the EU Source: Eurostat 2010
Progress achieved: packaging waste Source: Eurostat Waste Data Centre 2010
Ensuring full implementation: landfill diversion Source: EEA 2010, The European Environment, State and Outlook 2010 : Thematic Assessment – Material Resources and Waste