TPDCo South Coast Tourism Enterprises Seminar Golf View Hotel, Mandeville July 8, 2008 George E. Sloley Chief Public Health Inspector Manchester Health Department
Public Health Requirements for the Tourism Sector (Tourist Establishment/Swimming Pool) Regulations 2000 & Amendments 2004
Tourists Establishment/Swimming Pool Regulations Main Law – Public Health Act 1974 Primary piece of legislation establishing the legal regime for regulating the prevention or mitigation of any state, situation or activity which could contribute to the outbreak or spread of a communicable disease
Regulations Under The Public Health Act The Public Health Food Handling Regulations,1998 The Public Health (Tourist Establishment) Regulations 2000 & The P.H. (T.E) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 The Public Health (Swimming Pools) Regulations 2000 &The P.H. (Swimming Pools) (amendment ) Regulations 2004
The Tourists Establishments Regulations Tourist Establishment Means a hotel, resort cottage, villa, guest house, apartment complex or any other such accommodation, with or without facilities for the preparation of meals,offering accommodation to guests for reward, and includes the premises thereof.
Health Certificates Every person who intends to operate a tourist establishment must apply to MO (H)for a health certificate for that premises. The operator who fails to satisfy public health requirements after 3 consecutive inspections, or within 3 months whichever occurs first, shall apply for a new certificate
Health Certificates cont’d Remain in force for a period of 12 Months from the date issued and may be renewed annually if it satisfies the requirements. Operator should display in a conspicuous location the current health certificate of the property
Revocation, suspension &Reviewing The certificate may be granted with special conditions. There is also the power of revoking, suspending or reviewing the conditions of certificate In Regulation 7. The MOH may recommend the review, suspension or revocation of Tourist Board licence
Health Certificates Before refusing, suspending or revoking a health certificate the MO(H) should notify the holder stating: The reasons therefore Require the holder of the certificates to remedy the breach within a time specified
Health Certificates cont‘d Stating that the certificate is to be returned, in the case of suspension or revocation within the time specified forthwith to the MO (H).
Tourists Establishment Fees 10 rooms or less$3, rooms$4, rooms$5, rooms$10, rooms $15, rooms $20, rooms or more $25,
Renovations Regulation 8- In order to preserve the conditions under which the original certificate was granted, approval must be sought for any refurbishing, construction or renovation of a tourists establishment. A description of the operations, food flow plan, cold chain, food storage and sanitary convenience locations must be provided
Regulation 8 and 9 MO(H) to take all reasonable measures to prevent the opening, operation or re- opening of a tourist establishment which has failed to satisfy PH requirements or is not issued with a health permit
Regulation 8 and 9 contd MO(H) may order the closure of any tourists establishment or the kitchen or other food preparation area or serving area of an eating establishment which fails to meet or maintain Public Health requirements.
Registers/ Hazardous Chemicals Regulation 10 – Requires the keeping of registers of food suppliers, ( except for villas, resort cottages, guest houses apartment complexes) the implementation of procedures for inspection of food for safety and wholesomeness and so an
Registers/ Hazardous Chemicals cont’d Regulation 13- Requires that detergents, sanitizers and other chemicals are labeled and properly stored
Sanitization/ Refrigeration Regulation There are detailed requirements with respect to sanitization of surfaces and areas, equipment and utensils to prevent unpleasant odors and to control insects and vermin Regulation 17- Details refrigeration and temperature controls in accordance with the types of foods
Maintenance and servicing of Equipment Regulation 19- requires that all equipment to be properly vented, maintained and constructed with corrosive resistant materials and are cleaned and sanitized at least twice daily Reg.20- Overhead structures should installed to prevent contamination
High risks Foods/ Insect and vermin control Reg. 22- Deals with the storage, handling preparation and serving of foods. Reg. 23- Windows and doors in food areas are to be be fitted with close fitted screens to prevent entry of insects.
Safety /Medical Preparedness Regulation. 25- Workers to be trained in occupational safety hazards awareness, risk reduction and first aid Tourist establishment to submit weekly surveillance reports.
Reports of outbreaks Reg. 30. Food borne outbreaks to be reported in suspected cases within 24 hours Reg Employees suffering from communicable diseases to be restricted. Prohibitions against smoking, chewing and eating while preparing food
Facilities for Employees Reg. 44- Specifies the facilities to be provided for employees in appropriate ratios these include individual lockers, lunch rooms and flush toilets. (except Villas etc) Reg. 45. All employees must have food handlers permits
Water Quality/ Solid waste Mgmt. Reg – Provisions regarding water quality, water storage and use, polluted water, grey water, drainage systems and waste water systems. Reg Addresses solid waste management issues
Swimming Pools Regulations
Swimming Pools (Reg. 2000) & Ammendment (Reg. 2004) Objective to standardize requirements for the operation of Swimming Pools Class A- open to public, hotels >100 rooms Class B- Operated by hotels <100 rooms or a villa, resort cottage, guesthouse, apartment, apartment complex or other similar tourist accommodation Class C- homes and residential
Swimming Pool Fees $ Villas, Resort cottages, Guest houses, Apartments, Apartment complex. Where there is more than one swimming pool $ for each pool. In any other case $
Restrictions on operations Regulations 4-6 -Prohibit the operation of a PSP without a valid permit from the Ministry of Health Provisions concerning the granting of licences, revocation, suspensions and amendments
Technical requirements/ Daily records Reg Addresses the Technical requirements in relation to each pool as well as the chemical requirements. Reg. 14 – Addresses the daily record keeping including chlorine, pH water make-up
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