Mandatory Requirements of Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003) on CLOSURE AND REHABILITATION OF DUMPSITES
Components of the Closure and Rehabilitation Plan DAO
1. Stabilization of critical slopes Final grade of the open dump must be between 2 to 4%. The grade will prevent ponding and promote natural drainage. Side slopes can be generally set at 1V to 3H or gentler depending in the nature of waste.
2. Application and maintenance of final cover The final cover shall have a minimum thickness of 60 cm. This will include a 15 - cm topsoil and a 45- cm compacted soil. The topsoil, which is usually not compacted, will serve as protection layer for the compacted soil cover, as well as support plant growth
2. Application and maintenance of final cover It will act a barrier which will reduce entry of water into the waste pile, minimize gas migration if any, prevent animals from getting into the underlying waste, minimize the emission of odors and support vegetation growth.
3. Provision of drainage control system Effective drainage will prevent contact of waste with water. It is usually installed along the edge and within the waste pile to prevent erosion and scouring of the final cover, water ponding and reduce leachate generation.
4. Leachate and gas management systems The pre closure assessment should determine the points of exit of the leachate from which a canal can be built to facilitate collection in a basin located down gradient of the dump. The collected leachate or contaminated shall be treated. Otherwise, natural attenuation maybe resorted to for small quantities leachate.
5. Fire control Fires on dumpsites must be thoroughly extinguished prior to the application of the final cover.
6. Prevention of illegal dumping Illegal dumping at closed dumpsites will likely take place especially so when there are no alternative areas where waste can be disposed off. A large signage must be installed at the site advising the public to refrain from dumping waste therein and citing the corresponding penalties for illegal dumping.
7. Fencing and Security To complement the signage and to prevent illegal dumping, the site must be enclosed by a fence. Local shrubs may be used instead of the barbed wire and concrete post combination. Regular visits by an LGU designated security can be undertaken to deter illegal dumping.
8. Resettlement action plan This is an issue which besets most LGUs. Most dumpsites, particularly large ones are inhabited by informal dwellers who conduct regular waste picking. The closure plan should include where possible and affordable a basic resettlement plan which will also provide alternative source of income to waste pickers and their families..
8. Resettlement action plan In most cases, the plan will simply include the application of soil cover, provision of fence, installation of a simple canal system, signage and prohibition of illegal dumping
Key Elements in the Rehabilitation and Closure of Disposal Facilities Land Use Plan Eco-Parks Recreation Area Application of Final Cover Final and impervious layer of clay or synthetic material Grading of the final cover Prevent escape of gas underneath Reduce infiltration of water into landfill cells Prevent the proliferation of pests and vermins Vegetation to control erosion
Key Elements in the Rehabilitation and Closure of Disposal Facilities Drainage System Surface water interception ditches Under drain system to intercept groundwater flows Leachate Management Canals and ditches to intercept leachate on the surface interceptor trench for leachate below ground Leachate collection and treatment pond Regular water test/analysis
Key Elements in the Rehabilitation and Closure of Disposal Facilities Gas Management Installation of landfill gas collection Containment engineering (lateral and capping) to retard gas migration Landfill gas extraction when necessary
Key Elements in the Rehabilitation and Closure of Disposal Facilities Security Fence Access restriction from unauthorized personnel/individuals Environmental Monitoring Surface water Groundwater Leachate Landfill gas Air Quality Noise
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