Christopher M. Quinn, MACC, CPA, CFE, CGFO, CGMA Finance Director Lina Williams Budget & Financial Analyst
Budget Preparation Timeline January First Quarter Review February Financial Audit March Presentation of Annual Progress Report and Citizen Survey Results Revise 10 Year Infrastructure Plan April Presentation of the Year to Date Budget Second Quarter Review Budget Input Begins for Departments May Annual Update of the Strategic Action Plan Fund Accounting Presentation Long Term Financial Planning Presentation June Revenue Source Presentation Property Tax Presentation
Budget Preparation Timeline July General Fund Budget Workshop Adopt Proposed Maximum Millage Rate Proprietary Funds Budget Workshop Third Quarter Review August Special Revenue & Capital Fund Budget Workshop Final Proposed Budget Presentation September Public Hearing to Tentatively Adopt Millage Rate & Budget Public Hearing to Adopt Final Millage Rate & Budget
Total City Revenues Fiscal Year 2014
Services Provided through Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2014 $15.2 Million Ad Valorem Taxes
Millage Rate History Fiscal YearProperty ValueOperating MillageCapital MillageTotal Millage Ad Valorem Receipts ,773,378, ,981, ,983,740, ,539, ,404,239, ,855, ,107,581, ,207, ,444,854, ,632, ,239,994, ,603, ,009,877, ,184, ,131,965, ,602, ,246,998, ,828, ,463,085, ,048, ,891,594, ,000, ,646,122, ,120, ,690,312, ,203,633 Change (3,319,564,564)1.9809(.6727) (4,980,707) Percentage Change(47%)---(24%) FY 2015 Taxable Value $3,895,717,814 * Percentage Change FY %
Millage Rate Options
2014 Millage Rates RankingCityPopulationMillage RateTaxable Value Property Tax Collections Public Service Taxes 1Weston65, $6,706,786,482$13,413,573Yes 2Boca Raton86, ,272,211,53259,098,599Yes 3Palm Coast77, ,690,312,85715,759,481No 11 Daytona Beach 61, ,278,489,00023,722,163Yes 18Fort Myers67, ,206,426,92036,915,603Yes Survey of Cities between 60K-90K Population 18 Cities with Millage
2015 Maximum Millage Rate Proposal
City-Wide Personnel
Personnel per 1,000 Population
General Fund Totals Revenues overall are tracking on budget for FY 14
Solid Waste Fund
Golf Course Fund
Tennis Center Fund
Information Technology Fund
Building Permits Fund
Utility Fund
Utility Fund Water Operations Summary
Stormwater Fund
CDBG Grant Fund
Police Education Fund FY 2015 request will cover the cost of tuition and lodging for advanced and specialized training which includes Strategies in Sex Assault Investigation, Advanced Crime Scene Response and Investigation, Advanced Narcotics Identification and Detection, Tactical Narcotics Technician training, Specialized Criminal Intelligence, Crime Prevention, Firearms, Defensive Tactics and more.
Police Automation Fund 2014 Expenditures: Lapel cameras for officers ($76,500) *2015 Changes: Flagler County is now retaining revenue for use towards the county-wide emergency communication system
Disaster Reserve Fund Disaster Reserve Fund Balance Policy The Disaster Reserve can be used to address unanticipated expenditures arising out of a hurricane, tornado, other major weather related events, and/or other massive infrastructure failures or other disasters, whether man-made or caused by nature, using emergency procedures as provided for in the City's Purchasing Policy.
Special Events Fund
NSP 1 Grant Fund
NSP 3 Grant Fund
OKR Special Assessment Fund
OKR Special Assessment Fund Capital Improvement Plan
BAC Fund
Health Insurance Fund
Fleet Fund
Fleet Fund Capital Improvement Plan
Utility Capital Improvements Fund *Items in blue at least partially funded by grant
Utility Capital Improvements Fund *Items in blue at least partially funded by grant
Stormwater Fund Capital Improvement Program 2014 Budget vs. Estimated
Stormwater Fund Capital Improvement Program
Streets Improvement Fund *Items in blue funded by grants
Streets Improvement Fund *Items in blue at least partially funded by grants
Recreation Impact Fee Fund
Fire Impact Fee Fund
Development Special Projects Fund
Transportation Impact Fee Fund
SR100 CRA Fund
Capital Projects Fund *Items in blue at least partially funded by grants
City of Palm Coast Budget (1 of 2) General Fund$ 27,477,122 CDBG Fund696,439 Police Education Fund30,000 Police Automation Fund145,000 Disaster Reserve Fund2,177,207 Special Events Fund249,850 Streets Improvement Fund21,075,495 Recreation Impact Fee Fund300,000 Fire Impact Fee Fund83,447 Development Special Projects Fund580,000 Transportation Impact Fee Fund988,000 Neighborhood Stabilization Fund100,000 Business Assistance Center Fund70,225 SR100 Community Redevelopment Fund1,535,988
City of Palm Coast Budget (2 of 2) OKR Special Assessment Fund389,435 Capital Projects Fund 12,382,253 Utility Fund33,823,780 Utility Capital Projects Fund12,919,000 Solid Waste Fund7,373,520 Stormwater Management Fund7.762,071 Building Permits & Inspections Fund2,730,683 Golf Course Fund1,532,746 Tennis Center Fund327,575 Information Technology & Communications Fund2,563,605 Health Insurance Fund3,381,245 Fleet Management Fund4,850,129 Sub-Total Budget$145,544,915 Less: Interfund Transfers and Charges$16,438,143 Total Budget$129,106,772
Total City Revenues 2014 Projected vs Proposed
Services Provided through Property Taxes 2014 Projected vs Proposed
2015 Adopted Millage Rate Proposal
Recommended Millage Rate
Tentative Budget Schedule September 9 th - (5:05pm) Public Hearing to tentatively adopt millage rate and budget 23 rd – (5:05pm) Final Public Hearing to adopt final millage and budget Please Note Date Changes