Bin essa Amer DT204 Presentation on antireticulin antibody
Overview Define the antireticulin antibody. What disease (s) is this test for? What is the normal value/range, give values if any. What types of methods are commonly used for this? Outline the principle of the methods. What are the controls for this test [internal], positive, negative, external QC? What commercial tests or systems are available – kits, automated systems, antibodies etc? Are there home/self-test (over the counter in pharmacies) kits available?
Antireticulin antibody : reticulin means collagen(type III) which contains connective tissues found in many different organs and part of autoantibody screen. Antibody means protein produced by plasma cells due to antigen and also called immunoglobulin An autoantibody is an antibody produced by a person that binds to targets in their own tissues. 1.Definition ?
2.Function ? diagnosis of coeliac disease(autoimmune disorder of small intestine). dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) (chronic blistering skin condition) Crohn's disease (inflammatory bowl disease). Values:(59 %) with childhood coeliac disease,(38 %) with adult coeliac disease, (24%) with Crohn's disease and (22 %) with dermatitis herpetiformis. useful test for gluten-sensitive enteropathy (disease of intestine) in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and coeliac disease.
Methods Discovered by Alp and Wright 1971 Sera from the following groups of 96 patients were studied. 20 were taking a gluten free diet and 26 were receiving gluten. Other 20 were taking a gluten-free diet and 30 a normal Sera were tested without previous knowledge of the patients diagnoses and were performed in batches with known positive and negative antireticulin antibody sera acting as controls Gluten free diet is protein found in wheat and grain.
results Group Total StudiedDietary StatusAntireticulin Antibody Positive Total Antireticulin on gluten free diet on normal dieton glutent free dieton normal diet Antibody Positive Childhood coeliac disease (29%)22(85%)27(59%) Adult coeliac disease (16%)30(60%)38(38%) Dermatitis herpetiformi s (10%)9(30%)11(22%) Table 1:showing the results of 3 disease)
Discussion of the results: Antireticulin antibody occurs in 3 diseases adult and childhood coeliac disease, dermatitis disorders,. Children with coeliac disease more commonly respond to gluten withdrawal than adults and particularly high incidence of the antibody in childhood coeliac disease may be related to this high incidence of gluten sensitivity. all three groups-childhood coeliac disease, adult coeliac disease, and dermatitis herpetiformis-showed a significantly lower incidence of the antibody in the sera if the patients were taking a gluten-free diet.
Other test used to identify the antireticulin antibody Other test is used to detect the antireticulin antibody which help to detect the 3 diseases by indirect immunofluorescence and they used the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) which is used in the lab for measuring the antibody or antigen. And dot blot immunoabsorbent. Blot Methods:143 patients (97 children, 46 adults) with untreated celiac disease (CD) Result shows that sensitivity of anti-reticulin antibodies was 94% in children and 87% in adults.
conclusion Important in diagnosing the coeliac disease particularly in children due to high incidence. Not found in normal individual Detect three diseases and other skin, gastrointestinal and haematological Old study (needs sensitivities and specificities for routine diagnostic use Unusual immunology test so rare to be home or self test which means it is used only in laboratory. gluten-free diet is the only treatment for celiac disease and avoiding Avoid all foods made from wheat, rye, and barley Other tests are much reliable as the percentage of detection higher than the previous test.
references Vincent Marks, Dusan Mesko (1 Jan 2002). Differential Diagnosis by Laboratory Medicine. 3rd ed. london: john Warsol pages. Jefferson Adams. (04/22/2013 ). Antireticulin Antibodies Obsolete as Test for Celiac Disease. Available: - antibodies-Obsolete-as-test-for-Celiac- Disease/Page1.htm1.Lastaccessed 26/01/2015 M.L Mearin, Chr.J Mulder (17 Apr 2013 ). Coeliac Disease. cambridge: M.L Mearin, Chr.J Mulder. 214 pages. LIONEL FRY, E.. (2012). Antireticulin antibody: Incidence and diagnostic significance. Available: - antibodies-Obsolete-as-test-for-Celiac-Disease/Page1.htm1.Lastaccessed 26/01/2015 Mankaï A. (2005 ). Antireticulin antibody: Incidence and diagnostic significance. Available: Last accessed 04/02/2015.