How does an effective salesperson close the sale and establish a relationship with the customer? Close the Sale & Follow-up
Closing the sale -obtaining an agreement from the customer to buy. Timing the Close n Remain Flexible & Look for buying signals (things a customer does to indicate readiness to buy) –Holding merchandise and smiling –comments that imply ownership n Benefits of trial close (initial effort to close the sale) –learn why customer not ready –close sale
General Rules for Closing n Recognize closing opportunities –Take advantage of customer interest during the presentation n Help customers make a decision –Stop showing additional merchandise and narrow down selection of items
General Rules for Closing n Create ownership mentality –Use words that indicate ownership –Look for agreement on selling points n Do not talk too much and do not rush –Be patient, polite and helpful –Customer satisfaction is your primary concern
Specialized Closing Methods 1. Which Close -have customer make a decision between two items. –remove items till only two left, review the benefits of each, ask customer which they prefer 2. Standing-Room-Only Close –use when product in short supply n use only when true 3. Direct Close –Ask for the sale
Specialized Methods of Closing 4. Service Close –Explains services that overcome obstacles –gift wrapping, return policy, special sales arrangement, warranties, guarantee –maybe be only factor that separates you from the competition
Failure to Close n Get feedback –Use as a learning experience –Consider customer a future prospect n Maintain a positive attitude
Suggestion Selling -selling additional goods or services to the customer. n Rules –Use after customer has commitment to buy but before payment –Make recommendation from customer’s point of view and give a reason –Make the suggestion definite –Show the item –Make the suggestion positive
Suggestion Selling Methods n Cross selling –Offering related merchandise n Up selling –Recommend larger quantities n Calling attention to special sales opportunities
After-Sale Activities n Order processing –Bagging and payment processing n Departure –Thank customer and reassure, discuss special care or instructions n Order fulfillment –Packaging and shipping if necessary n Follow-up –Making arrangements to follow thru on all promises made to customer –Follow-up phone calls and thank you notes n Customer Service –Make sure customer is satisfied
After Sales Activities n Keeping a client file –Take notes on customers such as preferences, and keep on hand for future reference n Evaluate your sales efforts –Consider the strong and weak points in your performance
Customer Relationship Management(CRM) n Follow-up –Utilize technology to track customers and purchases –Maintain contact with customers –Maintain relationships (clubs, personalized newsletters, etc) –Develop customer loyalty by keeping customer informed and utilizing reward programs