oyaplus.org.uk OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Aim OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Objectives and Outcomes OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Course content OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Course content OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Course sample programme OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk The Structured Journey OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Scottish Government National Outcome 4 Responsible citizens Young Person identified by referral agency and placed on appropriate course Gainfully employed, responsible citizen and motivated Young Person Buddy supports Young Person with Structured Journey Youth clubs and groups / Cadet Forces / Scouts, etc. PSYBT Young Enterprise Scotland Prince’s Trust Remedial or specialist education requirements Volunteering Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Support agencies / 3 rd sector organisations Skill Force Further education Other bodies Higher education Buddy allocated to Young Person post course Internships/Volunt eering Work placements Apprenticeships / traineeships Young Persons’ Enterprise Initiatives Specialist OYA+ Course (CIRV/BME) Standalone courses financed by OYA+ with Uniformed Services support and limited Military input Youth Advantage Outreach (YAO) (16-18) Military facilitated and programmed courses financed by OYA+ with Uniformed Services support Opportunity Knocks For Youth (OKFY) (12-16) Successful learners Confident individuals Effective contributors Building ConfidenceBuilding trust and earning respect Preparing for work In work Structured Journey OYA+ monitors and tracks each Young Person throughout Structured Journey
oyaplus.org.uk Partner Course ie: Rathbone Quarriers, Skillforce CONTRIBUTION: Employment, Apprenticeships and Resources Community Support and Belonging Further Education and Skills Specialist Knowledge, Resources and Support Specialist Knowledge and Support Referrals: Local authorities and services, 3 rd sector ie: Rathbone. Prison Services ie: HMP Addiewell. Veteran Cadre Course YAO Course 51 (Scottish) Brigade OYA+ STAKEHOLDERS: Business Community Local Community Universities Colleges Schools Third Sector Public Organisations Local Council Scottish Government Positive Outcomes for Individuals: assistance to realise potential and make a positive contribution to society. Increased opportunity, increased access to specialist knowledge and support, recognised qualifications, positive progression through education and life skills to employment. Individual Journey Individual Mentoring The Structured Journey Now Positive Outcomes for Stakeholders: a strategic approach, increasing capacity and creating synergy. Preventative spend reduces costs of dependency and crime, optimises return on investments, creates of a skilled workforce, avoids duplication of effort, enables efficiencies and evaluation, enables efficient use of CSR funds, enables communication, shares specialist knowledge and is flexible at local point of delivery. Gateways
oyaplus.org.uk The Buddy Scheme OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Mission To provide a mentor to each young person on OYA+’s Structured Journey OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk One-to-one support on the Structured Journey Buddy – Befriender – Mentor – Coach Young person Buddy OYA+ resources What is a Buddy? OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk Benefits for the Young Person OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12
oyaplus.org.uk OYA+ Presentation, Tue 27 Mar 12