Alternative Fuel Incentive Grant (AFIG) Webinar 1
Speakers: Hayley Book DEP Policy Office David A. Althoff Jr. DEP Office of Pollution Prevention & Energy Assistance AFIG Grant Webinar 2
AFIG Grant Availability General information about AFIG grant program Grant Guidance What’s new and different this year Application Process Tips Questions and Answers AFIG Grant Webinar: Agenda 3
AFIG seeks projects to improve Pennsylvania’s air quality and reduce consumption of traditional transportation fuels Estimated $6+ million available (grants) Applications accepted beginning February 20, 2016, Applications are only accepted through DEP eGrants system. Rolling grant is open all year. Applications are scored competitively AFIG Grant Availability 4
Eligible applicants: School districts, municipal authorities, political subdivisions Incorporated non-profit entities, corporations Limited liability companies or partnerships registered to do business in PA Note: “Individuals” are not eligible applicants – the AFIG Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program is available for individuals AFIG Grant Availability 5
Alternative fuel vehicles – Retrofit & new vehicle purchase Alternative fuel refueling infrastructure Home-based refueling and fleet refueling Biofuel purchase incentives Innovative technology Eligible Project Categories 6
Grant opportunity and applications will be accepted throughout the calendar year Solicitation rules, eligible applicants and project categories will not change for 2016 Submission period end dates - April 29, 2016; August 26, 2016; and December 30, 2016; Awards are expected to made at least 30 days prior to the end of the next submission period. All applications are encouraged to include an education and outreach plan. No aggregating applications for vehicle purchase/lease projects – single applicants only Grant Guidance – New This Round 7
Unsuccessful applicants will be provided an opportunity to review their application with AFIG staff and may resubmit applications for the next submission period – Applicants may resubmit an application without substantial changes only one time during a 12 month period. – Applicants may submit as many applications as they like or resubmit applications with substantial changes without limits. Grant Guidance – New This Round 8
Grant Funding Limitations: An application for Vehicle Purchase and/or Retrofit may not exceed $200,000 An application under Alternative Fuel Refueling Infrastructure project may not exceed $500,000 An application under Innovative Technology may not exceed $500,000 An application under Biofuel Use Purchase Incentive project may not exceed $500,000 – Aggregated project applications are permitted Grant Guidance – New This Round 9
Eligible vehicles include but are not limited to: dedicated, bi-fuel, dual fuel, LNG/CNG, liquid propane gas, hydrogen and electricity. No GVWR (Gross vehicle weight rating) limits There is no minimum number of vehicles required to apply and no aggregation of fleets (project partners) is allowed Grant requests are 50% of incremental purchase/retrofit cost, up to $20K per vehicle AFIG Vehicle Retrofit/New Purchase 10
Projects must be completed within 12 months of application submission due date period. – Completion dates: 4/29/2017; 8/26/2017; 12/30/2017 Grantees may receive incremental costs for a vehicle Delivered or paid for after January 1, 2016 Retrofit work conducted or paid for after to January 1, 2016 NOTE: Deposits can be made on vehicles prior to January 1, 2016 if not a part of the incremental cost payment for the vehicle AFIG Vehicle Retrofit/New Purchase 11
Fleet Refueling Projects: Must service at least one existing fleet of alternative fuel vehicles by the end of the period of performance. A fleet of alternative fuel vehicles must be a group of ten or more vehicles, can be comprised of passenger cars, buses and/or trucks owned by single entity. – Gross vehicle weight rating up to 26,000 lbs. (Class 1 through Class 6 vehicles) AFIG Refueling Infrastructure Projects 12
Home Based Refueling Projects: Projects which are deployed at the alternative fuel vehicle(s) home location or base of operation and service at least one alternative fuel vehicle Projects may only be passenger cars, light duty trucks and/or light heavy duty trucks. – Gross vehicle weight rating up to 10,000 lbs. Class 1, Class 2a and Class 2b vehicles. – Do not have to be fleet vehicles AFIG Refueling Infrastructure Projects 13
Biofuel Use/Purchase Incentive Projects: Incremental costs to support the purchase and use of at least 5% biodiesel (or greater blend amounts) and or 85% ethanol in transportation fuels. Awardees must provide a 50% cost share, for the added costs of biofuel content that exceed the cost of conventional fuel. AFIG Biofuel Use Projects 14
Biofuel Use/Purchase Incentive Projects: Eligible applicants seeking funding may apply on behalf of aggregated project partners (entities that will be purchasing and using the biofuels). Projects with aggregate project partners will be required to submit aggregation agreements executed by all parties prior to grant execution Use of Pennsylvania sourced biofuels is preferred but biofuel or biofuel blends from outside of Pennsylvania is eligible. AFIG Biofuel Use Projects 15
Innovative Technology Projects: R&D, demonstration, pilot projects for alternative fuel technology Expected to directly result in commercialization Requires 50% minimum cost share All grant-funded work to be performed in PA Innovative fueling equipment will be considered AFIG Innovative Technology Projects 16
Link to the guidelines – nt /0120-BK- DEP4510_%20AFIG%20Program%202016%20with%20Co ver.pdf nt /0120-BK- DEP4510_%20AFIG%20Program%202016%20with%20Co ver.pdf Applications must be submitted through the DEP egrants system. The deadline(s) to submit completed applications - April 29, 2016; August 26, 2016; and December 30, 2016; AFIG Grant Application Process 17
Talk to AFIG staff about your project during the development phase before you apply Use the contact list in AFIG Guidance document Follow the eGrants Application Step-by-Step Guide and Instructions – Start inputting your application Completely fill out the application forms and the applicable excel summary tables (vehicles and biofuel use projects) Application Process - Tips 18
Get all information and commitments in hand before completing/submitting your application. Examples of commitments: Fueling infrastructure documentation Vehicle availability (including EPA/CARB cert.) Lessor letters (if applicable) Aggregation agreements (biofuel use projects) Letters of financial commitment for cost share Application Process - Tips 19
Insure supporting documentation supplied does not conflict with information in the narrative, supporting tables etc. Don’t wait until the last day/last minute to start Upload documents early For problems with the eGrants system Call the eGrants helpdesk, Application Process - Tips 20
Contact: Office of Pollution Prevention & Energy Assistance Dave Althoff ( ) Josh Dziubek ( ) Michele Ferguson ( ) Mark Hand ( ) Vijay Teru ( ) 21
QUESTIONS? Please type your questions in the chat window 22