Biofuel BY: Johns Flores Anna Partyka Gregory Fuentes
A BIOFUEL is a fuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes such as those involved in the formation of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, from prehistoric biological matter.
Biomass is the raw material How to harnest and transfer energy? To gain energy from a third generation biofuel would be to burn edible sugars and starches built into corn, rice, and other components. To gain energy from first generation biofuel would be to use algae and microbes. Once they grow and die people skim the water and have oil to use for cars and factories. By-products? by products from using algae is little or none. The burning of oil causes pollution. Burning edible sugars and starches would create more greenhouses. Is it possible to use this in our country? Yes it can be used everyone. Corn rice and other plants made of sugar and starches can be grown anywhere.
Harmful wastes: there are none known, in fact they actually can reduce harmful chemicals Natural habitats affected: more biodegradable, relying on these can cause deforestation, can be made from recycled material Concerns of public safety: no known dangers, not harmful Affect global warming: depends on what it is. Corn and etc can release carbon dioxide. Algae and plants recycle that carbon dioxide.
It is a cheaper alternative to fossil fuels Natural and quick It is cheap in the end for the labor and technology It costs $1-$1.20 for a gallon of ethanol It costs about $18,000-$23,000 to establish a biofuel plant Need to be refilled quickly but saves money still It gives jobs everyday because they need people to work the factories and the plants.
The first form was burning wood. They have been around forever though. Starch, sugars and animal fat for example. Biofuels are used everywhere. They are used to heat our homes, fill our cars and airplanes, to replace natural gas, vegetable oil, and for agriculture. The community accepts it. It is a good alternative fossil fuel. It does not cost much and provides jobs. The demand is only about 10% worldwide right now, but with power and energy increasing so will this demand.
Facts The U.S. is the biggest producer Non toxic and non flammable Can be a liquid, solid or a gas It can be used to power cars
Bibliography benefit-case-study-analysis-of-biofuels-systems/ benefit-case-study-analysis-of-biofuels-systems/ energy/biomass-energy.html energy/biomass-energy.html &bih=923&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ve d=0ahUKEwizg7Oa3tTLAhWC4SYKHeq0BHgQ_AUIBygC#imgrc =_ 80&bih=923&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ve d=0ahUKEwizg7Oa3tTLAhWC4SYKHeq0BHgQ_AUIBygC#imgrc =_