How is it converted? Algae Algae goes threw many thermal technologies to create electricity. Hydrogen Most of hydrogen comes from natural gases. They get energy by producing a chemical reaction.
What is it used for? Algae The oil that it gives of is used for making biodiesel for cars, trucks and airplanes. Hydrogen The first reason they used hydrogen was for lime lights. Now it is used in large petroleum and chemical industries.
What are its benefits? Algae Algae- They can use the oil for livestock feed, they don’t have to use palms to produce that oil anymore. Hydrogen Hydrogen is the “most alternative” of the alternative fuels. No greenhouse gases are generated from it.
Drawbacks Algae Algae- All algae reduces oxygen levels at night time, it can cause pH fluctuations. Hydrogen It is very expensive, prototype fuel cells last only 1/5 th as long as would be needed to make fuel cells cost-effective.
Plans on how to use it Algae They are going to use farm algae for making vegetable oil, they will also use it for biodiesel Hydrogen They use it as fuel. It is also clean to use so it wont do any damage.
Why is it not our number one energy source? Algae Because algae is so expensive is why its not our number one source. Hydrogen The main reason is because it is also very expensive and most people wouldn’t be able to afford it.
What does it release into the environment and how's does it affect it? Algae If there is to much it can kill a species of fish and any other living organisms around it. It release hypoxia. Hydrogen It release carbon into the atmosphere. Which if there’s to much carbon in the air cause’s global warming.