Шығыс Қазақстан облысы Көкпекті ауданы Мамай ауылы “Аманкелді атындағы орта мектебі” КММ Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі: Оразаева А.О. 9 - СЫНЫП The daily.


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Presentation transcript:

Шығыс Қазақстан облысы Көкпекті ауданы Мамай ауылы “Аманкелді атындағы орта мектебі” КММ Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі: Оразаева А.О. 9 - СЫНЫП The daily plan of the lesson. Theme: London. The aims of the lesson: Сөйлеу және тыңдау дағдысы арқылы оқушылардың лексикасын толықтыру. Жаңа тақырыптың мазмұнын ашу, мағынасын түсіндіру. Жұптық жұмыс дағдысын жетілдіру. Пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыруға тәрбиелеу., есте сақтау және назар аудару дағдыларын дамыту. The type of the lesson: жаңа сабақ The methods of the lesson: question-answer, group work, the interactive method. Visual aids: Slides, cards, the interactive board. Org. moment. Home work Grammar Phonetic drill New work material a)read the text b) exercise IV. Your marks. V.Your homework. Org. moment. Good morning boys and girls! Sit down, please! Let is begin our English lesson! Who is on duty today? Well! Who is absent? What is the date today? What was your homework? Let is check our homework! Homework! №1. 1. New York - 1. Eiffel Tower 2.Statue of Liberty 3.Pyramids at - 2. running 3. Swimming 4. skiing. 5. shopping №2. 1.Paris - 1. Eiffel Tower 2.Statue of Liberty 3.Pyramids at Giza 2. In Cairo Kuralai is going to dance samba. T F №3.1. Rio – de – Janeiro - 1. Eiffel Tower 2.Statue of Liberty 3.Pyramids at Giza 2. We went _______ every day. 1. Sailing 2. running 3. swimming 4. skiing. 5. shopping №4. 1.She dreams to see the animals that she does not usually see in her country. T F 2. He bought a yacht and went ____ in the Mediterranean.. 1. Sailing 2. running 3. Swimming 4. skiing. 5. shopping

№5. 1.Kyoto - 1. Eiffel Tower 2.Statue of Liberty 3.Pyramids at Giza 4. Tokio Her last country will be Kazakhstan because she will be tired. T F №6.1.What country should you visit to see the Grand Canyon? A) Italy b)France The USA 2. When we were in Switzerland we went _________ every weekend. 1. Sailing 2. Running 3. Swimming 4. skiing. 5. shopping № 7.1.What country is famous for its tulips? A)Turkey b)Holand c)Brazil 2. Cairo – 1. Eiffel Tower 2.Statue of Liberty 3.Pyramids at Giza № 8.1.Where should you go to see the Niagara Falls? A)Canada b)China c) Spain 2. She wants to say in Melbourne for a long time. T F № 9.1. He went ____________ every morning. 1. Sailing 2. Running 3. swimming 4. skiing. 5. shopping 2. Kuralai is going to visit the most important cities of the world. T F № Kuralai is going to visit the most important cities of the world. T F 2.Where should you go to see the Niagara Falls? A)Canada b)China c)Spain Grammar: a)GROUP: Қандай сөйлем түрі? Сөйлемнің үш түріне өзгерт. I do write the work yesterday. GROUP: Қандай сөйлем түрі? Сөйлемнің үш түріне өзгерт. Do you write a letter? b) Phonetic. Rainy, rainy, rainy day take the umbrella and way a way GROUP: Фонетикалық жаттығуды толықтырыңдар. Rainy,_____, rainy ____ take the umbrella and way a _____. GROUP: Фонетикалық жаттығуды толықтырыңдар. Rainy,_____, rainy _____ take the umbrella and way a _____. New work material. London. England.

What is the capital of … ? Scotland Edinburgh Northern Ireland Belfast Wales Cardiff England London What is the weather like in London? Be ready to answer the questions: Is it rainy ? Is it sunny or cloudy? Is it windy? Is it warm or cold? c) Big Ben 1923 жылы 31 желто қ сан айында е ң ал ғ аш қ о ң ырауы со ғ ылды. Биіктігі 2 метр, ұ зынды ғ ы 3 метр. Жалпы ғ имаратты ң биіктігі 61 метр Big Ben Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palaсе The Tower of London

d)Read and match Big Trafalgar The river White Buckingham Westminster The Houses of The Tower of Palace Tower London Bridge Ben Square Tower Parliament e)Tower Bridge This is Tower Bridge, built in It is next to the Tower of London. It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames. It opens and ships go up and down the river Thames. f) I. Group: a) conductor and conductress. (II tarau) b) inspector and bus driver. (III tarau) II. Group: c) single – decker and double – decker. ( I tarau) d) bus and coach. (IV tarau) g) Theme : London. Model. IV. Your marks. V.Your homework. Ex. 12 p. 83. Venn diagrams. Ex. 14 p84 Read. Answer the questions. Good bye!