August 2008 Making use of the Higher Education Academy and JISC Intute: Health and Life Sciences resources to support education The Higher Education Academy and its 24 subject centres, especiallyHigher Education Academy –BioscienceBioscience –Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES)Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences –Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine (MEDEV)Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine JISC Intute: Health and Life Sciences JISC Intute: Health and Life Sciences on behalf of JISC services and JISC collectionsservices collections Megan Quentin-Baxter (HEA MEDEV Laurian Williamson (JISC Intute: H&LS Ian Lindsay (Higher Education Academy and Gillian Brown (HEA MEDEV
Introduction - Workshop The aim of this workshop is to introduce the Higher Education Academy and JISC Intute: Health and Life Sciences services which include resource to support enhancing the student learning experience. Participants will be shown a range of services and resources for use in teaching in land-based and veterinary care professions, some examples of the uptake of resources, and given an opportunity to discuss adoption of these approaches in local contexts.
The Higher Education Academy The Academy's mission is to help institutions, discipline groups and all staff to provide the best possible learning experience for their students –Informing policy –Supporting institutions –Research and evaluation –Supporting learning –Professional development and recognition (including fellowship of the Academy and the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme) –Disciplines and networks (including Subject Centres)
Subject Centres Size and Operation Approximately 6 fte staff per centre –Director, manager, education adviser/s, information officers, clerical support Approximately 500K turnover per centre per year –Subject based and themed activities (e.g. assessment) –Information filtering/interpretation and brokerage –Journals, newsletters and eBulletins –Websites: educational information & resources, news, etc. –Workshops, conferences, SIGs and other events –Stakeholder engagement, dissemination –Funding for small projects (mini-projects, small grants) –Support for strategic initiatives / large projects, fund-raising
August 2008
August 2008
August 2008
August 2008 The Higher Education Academy’s HE in FE Enhancement Programme Ian Lindsay Academic Advisor HE in FE
Background to Enhancement Programme Initially, a HEFCE funded project with a brief to provide support for HE in FE in England until July Now, although still funded by HEFCE and maintaining an English focus, part of the Academy’s core activities.
Key Objectives Provide an effective means for educational staff to engage with the wider support infrastructure. To share access to HE information and resources. To share good practice and work with colleges. To combine efforts with key partners to deliver a coherent and integrated support infrastructure to enhance HE learning and teaching policies and practice. To promote professional and scholarly development to increase the professional standing and recognition of all staff.
Gather, Develop and Disseminate Effective Practice Teaching and Learning Group working on themes such as innovative teaching and learning, assessment etc. Management, Leadership and Quality Group working on themes including the management of programmes, establishing a HE culture within a FE college, developing a strategy, running exam boards etc. –Monthly e-briefing on HE in FE
Example Generic Events HE in FE: An Introduction for New Managers & Course Leaders Uses & Applications of e-Portfolios Validating Foundation Degrees Experiential Learning Innovative Assessment Writing a College HE Strategy “Unlocking the Learning Experience” Conference
Sample Resources Assessment DVD Playing Cards to support Assessment Directory of HE in FE (New edition out this month)Directory of HE in FE Good Practice guide on running exam boards Creating a HE Ethos
How can we work together? Remember - we’re there for you !! –Please let colleagues know about the Higher Education Academy and the Subject Centres. –Please let us know how you’d like the HE in FE Enhancement Programme and the Subject Centres to help. But, in addition –Please let us know if you have developed, implemented or practiced any new approaches, or altered any existing ones…
August 2008 Intute: Health and Life Sciences Laurian Williamson, Content Coordinator, Intute: Health and Life Sciences University of Nottingham
Screenshot HLS
What do we do? Free national service for the HE and post-16 community Search the Web to find free high quality Internet resources and teaching materials Support students, academics and practitioners No registration or authentication “Intute offers what search engines don’t – commitment to quality – by using subject specialists in universities and colleges to hand-pick Web resources that will support education and research”
Key Partners The Royal Veterinary College The Wellcome Trust The Royal College of Nursing University of Oxford National team of subject specialists and practitioners
Virtual Training Suite Free Internet tutorials aimed at students (including Internet for Image Searching) Teaching Internet research skills in 65+ University and College subjects Animal Health Tutorial Embed into your virtual learning environment (VLE) Use in taught courses and group activities Students provide very positive feedback
JISC and other resources Bioscience ImageBank EFAB Flickr JISC Film and Sound Online JISC Jorum Images4U Merlot: QIA Excellence Gateway Veterinary Information Portal (VIP) August 2008
August 2008
August 2008
August 2008
JISC and other resources Bioscience ImageBank Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Behaviour Flickr JISC Film and Sound Online JISC Jorum Images4U Merlot: QIA Excellence Gateway Veterinary Information Portal (VIP) August 2008
August 2008
August 2008
JISC and other resources Bioscience ImageBank Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Behaviour Flickr JISC Film and Sound Online JISC Jorum Images4U Merlot: QIA Excellence Gateway Veterinary Information Portal (VIP) August 2008
August 2008
August 2008
August 2008
Breakout into groups of 4-5 Demonstration/interaction – signal permitting! Does anyone in your group already use any of these resources and services? If so, what is your experience of them? Is there any aspect of your teaching which could make use of these resources and services? What would be the ideal resources and services (whether they exist or not) to help you in your teaching? August 2008