1 Information Prescriptions for Veterinary Clients Made Easy: What, Where, How, and Why to use an InfoRx in your practice Ann Viera, Pendergrass Library, UT Knoxville VPAC 7/12/2014
2 Dean Jim Thompson: State of the College Address 12/17/2013 Mission: Teaching Serve Patients Serve Veterinarians in the community as an extension of their practice Discover new biomedical knowledge
3 Ann Viera, Veterinary Librarian, Pendergrass Library, UT Knoxville Pendergrass Library serves Veterinarians in practice in Tennessee, supporting of the mission of the CVM
4 Clinical expertise Best available evidence Patient needs/Owner preferences Access to Evidence for Veterinarians in Practice: Article Copies Expert Searches Guides and Training “Best Clinical Decision”
5 InfoRx template What is an Information Prescription?
Based on results of client surveys in TN and Colorado 6 This article is freely available--Link #3 on handout.
Why an InfoRx? Conclusions: “Clients appreciate and utilize veterinary prescriptions..” J Med Lib Assoc 102 (1) January Direct clients to sites that support the veterinarian-client relationship and counteract the “Dr. Google” effect.
Inspired by a national project American College of Physicians/National Library of Medicine partnership launched in
10 “Help clients think critically about Web sites: Fight misinformation and reward curiosity with handouts that teach clients how to sort out pet healthcare fact from fiction.” DVM360, 2008:
11 Where is the InfoRx template? In DVM360 Or Customize Use As-IS A search for “information prescription dvm360” will also find the template.
12 Another option: 2014 VIN Client Brochure free from the VIN Store: Product # VIN99996 “Pet health information you can trust” “Library of articles” “No advertising”
13 How to use an InfoRx
14 Disclaimer/Disclosure: InfoGraphic from Lifelearn Blog July 23, 2013 by David Sum July 23, 2013David Sum Lifelearn has completely revised how they deliver client education.
15 Exploratory comparison of articles on only one topic, aspergillosis revealed: Veterinary Partner VIN (free) longer article harder to read higher grade level older interface Lifelearn ClientEd (subscription) shorter article easier to read lower grade level newer interface
16 The article in Lifelearn on cognitive dysfunction in senior pets was longer than the one on VIN and a year newer…. Several prominent behaviorists write for Lifelearn. I will be doing more analysis this summer/fall. They are complimentary and offer different features. ClientEd can be edited, branded, and integrated into the clinic medical records system, for example. VIN Veterinary Partner and Lifelearn ClientEd, continued
17 Information Prescriptions for Veterinary Clients Made Easy: What, Where, How, and Why to use an InfoRx in your practice Summary Find the InfoRx on the DVM360 Web site Search for “DVM360 information prescription” Download and use as-is or customize Supports the veterinarian-client relationship Saves time by directing clients to trusted sources Reminds clients to think critically
18 Free article copies & more: Ann Viera, Pendergrass Library, UT Knoxville biscuit