By: Anna Marie
Main Menu WHO Was Involved? WHEN Did It Happen? WHERE Did It Happen? WHAT Happened? WHY Did It Happen? OTHER Information Bibliography
WHO Was Involved? British The British drove George Washington into Valley Forge in the winter. Colonist George Washington Baron Von Steuben The captain of Brandywine is named Enoch Andson. The Connecticut solider is named James Sullivan Martin. MAIN MENU
WHERE Did It Happen? Washington held his position at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania throughout the winter. The Redcoats and George Washington had a war in Valley Forge MAIN MENU
WHY Did It Happen? Washington losing Washington lost to the battle of Brandywine. Testing troops and army George Washington was testing his troops by battling other troops. MAIN MENU
WHEN Did It Happen? What Washington wrote to the leaders December 23, 1777, Washington wrote “We have this day no less then 2,873 men in camp unfit duty because they were barefooted and naked.” News of the alliance May 6, 1778 the news of the alliance between France and the United States reached Valley Forge. content/uploads/2010/05/Washington_and_Lafayette_at_Valley_Forge.jpg MAIN MENU
WHAT Happened? Preparing for battle Baron Von Steuben helped all soldiers get better at fighting for the war Surviving the winter The soldiers hade to surviving the winter by cutting down the trees and building houses with the tree stumps. The soldiers also hade to surviving by having to go hunting animals and cook them. MAIN MENU
OTHER Information Monument The U.S.A Memorial Arch was constructed in 1917 as a monument for those who served at Valley Forge. Some parks, buildings, and monuments were built in memory of Washington’s Continental Army. A letter The evening of December 23, Washington sat in a drafty tent, surrounded by officers, and wrote along, pleading letter to the leaders of American. MAIN MENU AAhU/-D31_Tki8w8/s400/valley+forge.jpg
BIBLIOGRAPHY MAIN MENU Flower, William Morgan. “Valley Forge.” World Book, Web. 14 Feb Knight, James. The Winter at Valley Forge. Mahwah: Childrens Press, N. pag. Print. Stein, Conred. Cornerstones of Freedom Valley Forge. Chiago: Childrens Press, N. pag. Print.