Preschool Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education Polytecnhic University 1.º degree 2.º degree 3.º degree PRESCHOOLEDUCATIONPRESCHOOLEDUCATION General Basic Education General Basic Education General Basic Education General Secondary Education Bachelor’s Degree Graduate Degree Basic Education For Adults Basic Education For Adults Tecnical Training Courses Basic Education Adults Artistic Education Artistic Education Specialized Artistic Education Life Long Education and Training Life Long Education and Training Life Long Education andTraining Professional Training courses Graduate Degree Doctoral Life Long Education and Training Basic Education for adults Basic Education for adults Basic Education for adults Training Courses Post Doctoral Training courses Training courses Education System and Vocational Training in Portugal
Ministry of Education (General Education) Preschool Education Education Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education
Ministry Of Education (General Education) PreschoolEducation Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education Preschool Education is for children who are between 3 and 5/6 years. The attendance is optional.
Ministry Of Education (General Education) PreschoolEducationBasicEducation 1.º Degree 1.º Degree 2.º Degree 2.º Degree 3.º Degree 3.º DegreeSecondaryEducationSuperiorEducation
Mininstry Of Education PreschoolEducation Basic Education 1.º Degree2.º Degree3.º Degree Secondary Education Superior Education -MandatoryMandatory - Free Free - Ages of 5/6 to 15 years Ages of 5/6 to 15 years
Ministry Of Education PreschoolEducation Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education 1.º Degree (1.º, 2.º, 3.º e 4.º) - 4 years of school - Promotes a global education Promotes a global education - One professor One professor
Ministry Of Education PreschoolEducation Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education 2.º Degree (5.º and 6.º) -Two years of studyTwo years of study - Promotes a well organized Promotes a well organized teaching system of basic training in different Disciplines (i.e. portuguese, history, mathematic, etc.
Ministry Of Education PreschoolEducation Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education 3.º Degree (7.º,8.º e 9.º) -organized in severalorganized in several disciplines and integrates also vocational areas; -one teacher for eachone teacher for each discipline or group of disciplines
Ministry Of EducationPreschoolEducation Basic Education Secondary Education 10.º, 11.º12.º Superior Education -Set of courses whose organizationSet of courses whose organization is essentially in a perspective of continuing the studies. The students get a diploma (certificate) of conclusion of the secondary education.
Ministry of Education (General Education) Preschool Education Education Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education Polytechnic institute University -The superior education can be universitary or polytechnic.The superior education can be universitary or polytechnic. To reach this degree, the students have to obtain the diploma (certificate) from the secondary education and they have to do the general entrance examination.
Ministry of Education (General Education) Preschool Education Education Basic Education Secondary Education Superior Education Polytechnic institute University - Bachelor's degree - Graduate degree - Doctoral - Post Doctoral
Ministry of Education Life Long Education and Training Life Long Education and Training These courses of life long education and training are for youngsters that are in risk of dropping out of school or that already left out of school without finishing the mandatory education. These courses are also for youngsters that studied until the secondary school and want to obtain professional qualification.
Ministry of Education Life Long Education and Life Long Education and Training These courses allows youngsters: - a qualification of 2º and 3.º degree a qualification of 3.º degree or equivalency to the last year of secondary education to youngsters that want a professional qualification to start working With these courses the Ministry of Education wants to motivate the youngsters and allow them to continue their studies thought the development of professional skills.
Ministry of Education Life Long Education and Life Long Education and Training These courses are all adjusted to the youngsters interests and to the regional and local needs of employment. With these courses they can even developed their training courses in an organization or firm during 6 months.
Ministry of Education Basic Education For Adults Basic Education For Adults The Basic Education for adults assures a new opportunity to reach some degrees for: - people that couldn’t reach these degrees when they were young; - people that abandoned school early; people that need these degrees to have a cultural or /and professional promotion.
Ministry of Education Basic Education For Adults Basic Education For Adults The Basic Education for adults (1.º, 2.º, 3.º degree) In this level, these adults courses cover the three degrees of basic education. The goals are: - Eliminate illiteracy, - Ongoing studies - Developing professional skills If they conclude their studies, a diploma (certificate) is given assuring that they’ve obtained equivalency to the regular education.
Ministry of Education Basic Education For Adults Basic Education For Adults The Basic Education for adults (10.º, 11.º 12.º degree) In secondary education level, adults study in a school context. They have a study plan with several disciplines.
Ministry of Education Artistic Education Artistic Education (5.º, 6.º, 7.º e 8.º degree) The general artistic education allows students to study in a different artistic vocational area. These studies is directed to students that have certain artistic skills and allows them to develop those skills in appropriate schools. (music, dance, visual arts, etc). They can obtain equivalence until the 3.º degree (Mandatory Education)
Ministry of Education Training Courses Goals To qualify, technically, candidates to their first job in order to promote their integration in the professional area. Target: - Candidates to a first job that simultaneous obtain professional and education certification - firms that receive these collaborators
Ministry of Education Training Courses Training Courses When concluding these training courses the trainees obtain a professional certification concerning the 2. º, 3.º degree of mandatory education or secondary education.
Ministry of Education Technical Training Courses Set of training courses comprising a double perspective. On one hand the main concern is the professional integration, and on the other hand is that the trainees continue their studies. A qualification certificate is handed indicating the conclusion of the secondary education.
Ministry of Education Specialized Artistic Education Specialized Artistic Education offers differentiated artistic training courses at secondary level. It provides professional qualification in the secondary education level. Students may continue their studies onto superior education.
Ministry of Education Professional Training Courses A set of training courses whose curricular organization privileges the initial qualification of the youngsters. Goal: qualified inclusion in work allowing the students to continue the studies. They get a professional certificate and a diploma equivalent to the secondary education