Alignment of National Documents to SADC Protocol on Gender and Development By Rosina Museke- Mabakeng Aligning national policies to the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development June 2013,Johannesburg, RSA
Background Namibia’s Constitution guarantees equal rights and the promotion of women’s empowerment (article 10&95) Namibia is a signatory to CEDAW, AU Protocol on women the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development and other regional and international commitments such as the MDGs and the AU SDGEA Prior to the signing and ratification of the Protocol, the Ministry held several consultative meetings with various stakeholders to sensitise them on the Protocol, the protocol was then ratified in October 2009, and deposited with SADC Secretariat. The National Gender Policy( ) was adopted by Parliament in March 2010), with12 Critical Areas of Concern In 2012, the National GBV Plan of Action and its M&E was finalised and launched during the 16 days of activism against GBV in 2012
Alignment : National Gender Policy ( ) In May 2011, the SADC Gender Ministers meeting adopted the Roadmap for implementation of the SADC Protocol which called for member states to “Review, align and cost national policies and action plans for the implementation of the protocol.”
Alignment : National Gender Policy ( ) The drafting of the National Gender Policy took into account the areas covered in the international, regional and sub regional instruments such as CEDAW, AU Protocol on women, and SADC Protocol on Gender and Development The process of aligning National Gender Policy to the SADC Protocol entailed in most cases direct translation of the protocol provisions into key strategies, this means implementing the NGP will result in achieving certain milestones of the protocol.
Alignment : National Gender Policy ( ) National Gender Policy Area and Strategy SADC Protocol Gender Governance and decision making:.. Ensure that political parties institute 50/50 zebra system… Article 12(1) Gender Equality in the Family: enforce SADC protocol on widow’s and widower’s rights.. Article 10
How does NGPA link to Policy :Clusters of the NGPA National Gender Policy – 12 SADC Protocol – 8UN WOMEN- 6 Agreed clusters – 6 of NGPA Gender. Legal affairs and human rights; GBV; family; health; reproductive health; HIV and AIDS Constitutional and legal rights; GBV; Health; HIV and AIDS Violence against Women Human Rights 1. Human Rights The Girl Child; Gender, education and training. Education 2. Education and the girl child Gender, poverty and rural development; trade and economic empowerment; environment Productive resources, employment, economic empowerment Economic Empowerment 3. Poverty, rural and economic development Decision-making; peace and conflict resolution Governance, peace building, conflict resolution Leadership and participation. Peace and security 4. Governance, Peace, Security Research, media, ICTMedia, ICT 5. Media, research, ICT ImplementationNational Planning and Budget 6. Gender Management System (GMS)
The National Budget – Rhonda’s cake : Costing Employment equity= 2% MAINSTREAM BUDGET = This is where % of the money resides MGECW’s budget = 0.05% of total
Costing of National Gender Plan: The plan have identified the key implementing or lead ministry Identified the vote associated with the lead ministry Identified the sub item or main activity where the resources for a set of activities are located for example: Target: Review, amend and or repeal all discriminatory laws by 2015 Action: Conduct a gender assessment of Namibian laws, policies and practices at different levels Lead Institution: Ministry of Justice (Directorate Law Reform Commission); Budget line: Vote 16, Law reform
Another example: Gender and Health sub cluster Target: SADC Gender Protocol, in line with MDG 3, aims to reduce maternal mortality by 75% by KPI= % reduction in maternal mortality each year. Lead agency = MoHSS with UNAM and other stakeholders Actions include series of steps outlined in MoHSS Roadmap eg mobile services; waiting facilities for women who live far from clinics, etc Direct budget for this is in the MoHSS(Vote: NOT in the MGECW
Carrying this work forward: Engaged in the Gender responsive budgeting analysis of budgets (MoE, MoHSS, MAWF, NPC, MoF) Engaged in creating a critical mass of GRB aware personnel in these institutions and expanding to others through training. Engaging GFPs from key institutions using the customised SADC Gender Mainstreaming Tool Kit Lobbying for the implementation of the proposed structures and mechanisms for the coordination, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of gender programmes Have adopted the Multi- sectoral approach(MSA) using the CEDAW model for the implementation of the National Gender Policy and its plans
Parliament National gender Permanent Task force chaired By PS of MGECW (MoF, NPC, OPM, chairs of clusters, Exec D’s of umbrella NGOS, CBOs ) Human rights cluster Education, Girl Child Poverty, rural development, Economy Governance/ peace Media/ information Cabinet Regional gender permanent task team replicates clusters Regional gender permanent task team replicates clusters Regional gender task team replicates clusters Women’s Caucus Gender committee MGECW= Coordination Gender implementation and M&E structures
Carrying this work forward: Long term capacity strengthening in gender issues envisaged through the renewed commitment of Institutions of higher learning (Polytechnic of Namibia and UNAM) introducing a Bachelor’s degree and MA in Gender studies respectively from 2014 Engagement of civil society organisations and private sector is crucial
Carrying this work forward: Challenges, Opportunities and Focus Through the fourth National Development Plan(NDP4): an opportunity to focus on economic empowerment of women through strengthened and expanded safety nets for those in extreme poverty, participation and benefit of women through the Targeted Intervention programme for employment creation and economic growth (TIPEEG), Review of the Tender Board Act (June, 2010) to include special provisions in the procurement process: youth and women The Namibia Chamber of Commerce(NCCI) has established a women’s desk focusing on economic empowerment for women: an opportunity Continued capacity building and strengthening across OMAs in gender mainstreaming and GRB Women’s representation in politics and decision making: the current electoral law reform: an opportunity A big challenge and a big focus is “ eradication of Gender Based Violence” by implementing the National GBV Action Plan.
Role of the MGECW Operate at strategic level Establish and strengthen structures – Gender units, focal points, task teams. Ensure gender disaggregated data. Strengthen the link with planning, budgeting and M& E processes of government especially NDP 4, MTEF and Development budget. Build capacity
Lessons learned Advocacy and lobbying Establishment of Parliamentary Standing Committee on gender and women affairs Gender being recognised as a cross cutting issue in NDP4 Gender budgeting initiative and inclusion of MGECW in the budget hearing exercise Working smart on budgets; not only about new money but existing money. Gender disaggregated data – National Statistical Profile on Women and Men in Namibia, envisaged to be improved upon, SADC Barometer Participatory approach – the importance of involving key stakeholders. Team of champions- foot soldiers. Avoid working in silos- see the links between processes. Use the muscle of the MDGs, Protocol= targets, timeframes Working with civil society Support from gender experts, e.g. Gender Advisor, through UN Women. Support and engagement of Development partners, e.g. UN Agencies Existence of Gender Mainstreaming Tools, e.g. SADC Toolkit, now customised The need for benchmarking or learning from each other’s experiences
I Thank you