Hi, my name is Mike Watkins and I am the lead pastor of the church - Iglesia Del Camino, the IDC here in Antigua, Guatemala. That in and of itself is not that important, but what God has done through this church in the past years is nothing short of a miracle. I would like to tell you about it. 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” … to train 5 persons in Biblical Studies, 4 of whom have graduated, 3 of which have been ordained as Pastors serving in the IDC, and 1 other planned to finish their Bachelor's in Ministry in ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” … we are now hosting as many as 600 volunteers per year from the United States who come and serve in this community. 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” …To coordinate the distribution of 25,000 bibles to the National Police of Guatemala … helped to establish Chaplaincy for the National Police of Guatemala. … is actively involved in the Chaplaincy to the National Police of Guatemala with regular meetings and involvement within our department of Sacatepéquez. 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry Mike is the only non-Guatemalan that is a badge carrying Chaplain of the Guatemalan Police
“God has used this church….” … to establish a Celebrate Recovery program in Antigua and has allowed the team to help establish other programs in neighboring communities. 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” … in assisting with housing, aiding other organizations with resourcing and manpower to further their reach into neighboring communities. … collaborated with the City of Pastores to build a new community for Tropical Storm Agatha refugees 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” … to development over the past two years a metal home designed to replace houses built with corn stalk walls and dirt floors. We have completed nominally 80 homes of our design. 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” … to help establish a new community center in Santa Maria de Jesus. This center has the capacity of providing collected rainwater to the community and is establishing after school tutoring and sports programs. This center services nearly 1000 children in the community. Bringing nutrition, educational scholarships, after school tutoring and tutoring all under the umbrella of positive values and Biblical teaching. 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” An idea too big to grasp… See what God has done. These photos are the before and after of the same property and new building for ¨Campos de Sueños¨ Jeremiah 29:11 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
“God has used this church….” These are just some of the highlights from the past several years. This is not even mentioning what God has done with our church growth in baptisms and the lives that have been changed because of Him, here in Antigua. 6ta Avenida Norte, #33, La Antigua, Guatemala www. iglesiadelcaminogt.com Celebrating 10 years of Ministry
Now we are ready to move into the next opportunity that God has before us. This will take everything we have been doing to a whole new level….. “it can only be done with God leading the way…”
For more details of this project – please visit milcasas.iglesiadelcaminogt.com The Vision Homes in 5 years. This translates into 1,000 families having love demonstrated to them and for them, offering them a chance of finding hope. With pride in their home and thus pride in themselves, giving them motivation in hope where before there was little to none. This translates into as many as 100 neighborhoods/communities with Pastors and Mentors raised up to watch over them during this time frame; growing new faith families to walk alongside one another, to lift each other up when they are down and to help them hold to their life purpose. This translates into economic stimulus and as many as 25 new jobs (5 in the fabrication process - 20 Pastor/Mentors) bringing with it a revitalized hope and future.