Joining our private Facebook group The Real Estate Report Card The Digital House Hunt How we as a group have solved a huge problem How you can double your business in 90 days or less with this strategy
The Largest Online Weekly Real Estate Training In the Nation Over 2,000 Agents from all over the US Great place to Share, learn and ask questions
The Real Estate Report Card Rate: A, B, C, D, F for the following 1.Lead Generation A B C D F 2.Database Management A B C D F 3.Prospecting A B C D F 4.Presentation SkillsA B C D F 5.Follow Up SystemA B C D F 6.Closing SkillsA B C D F 7.Social MediaA B C D F 8.Mobile MarketingA B C D F
The Numbers Are Crazy
Boom Town / Tiger Leads I have talked to many agents who are using these services for lead generation – They have no one in place to manage the leads – They are paying hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a month – No follow up in place – What if?
You hired a part time or even a full time person to – Manage your leads, past clients, current clients – Follow up with your clients you already have – Call all your past clients once every quarter to talk Frog Family Recreation Occupation Goals – Manage your social media Engage and interact with all your past and current clients on, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter Did nothing but build deeper relationships with those that know like and trust you already. What would your business look like in 90 days?
Lets Take It A Step Further
How can we KEEP our clients and build a deeper relationship so that they refer their friends, family and co-workers to us. How do we make sure our clients never forget about us on the one device they have with them 24/7 How do we make sure that when they pick up their mobile phone they – See us and hear us – Remember us and what we do for a living – Refer us to their friends, family and co-workers How do we make it stupid butt easy to share our info with their friends, family and co-workers How do we make it stupid butt easy for their friends to share their info with their friends, family and co-workers
Every time you meet with a new buyer, seller, friend, family or past client You where able to put your face on their phones like an app
They See Your Logo/picture when they click you on their phone
They had easy access to your Social Media Buttons, so they could quickly friend, connect and share with you
Other things your buyers and sellers Would have when they Clicked on your picture on their phone
What if – Your face / logo is setting on 200 of your past, current and future clients mobile phones – Each person shares it with 2 of their friends, family and co-workers – They share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram when someone ask about buying or selling a home.
Look At Me And Tell Me You wouldn’t double your business in 90 days or less using just this one strategy? Why would this work? 1.Lead Generation A B C D F 2.Database Management A B C D F 3.Prospecting A B C D F 4.Presentation SkillsA B C D F 5.Follow Up SystemA B C D F 6.Closing SkillsA B C D F 7.Social MediaA BC D F 8.Mobile MarketingA B C D F
Mobile is Immediate!
Client Acquisition Allows you to engage users and capture information on location Drive traffic through QR codes, SMS links, , Facebook and Twitter Provides an instant and secure contact capture form to acquire new customers along with their friends, family and co-workers
Saving To Home Screen
Droid Phones
Customized Mobile Website Logo & Color Integration Customer Service and Support Personalized QR Code Social Media Links Click to Call & Link Private Facebook Group for Idea Sharing Instant Call Back Feature Buying & Selling Info Sheet Team (with up to five team members & bios) Office Location (includes map) Contact Us Form (form) Mortgage Calculator Featured Homes for Sale (with up to three featured homes)
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