Today you will: Know about devices you can use in your compositions and that you will come across in the Listening Exam To understand the different types of scales found in music By the end of the lesson you will be able to: Accurately identify devices and scales used in melodies through listening and performing activities
Different types of scales Scales are the basis of all music A scale is a group of notes played in descending or ascending order Here are some scales you need to know at GCSE: Pentatonic Chromatic Whole – tone – scale Diatonic scales
Pentatonic Pentagon is a 5 sided shape Pentatonic is a scale which uses 5 notes Most obvious one is all the black notes The most common pentatonic scale has no semitones (next door notes) Every note is either a tone (2 next door notes) or more away from the next note in the scale Has an oriental, Chinese flavour to the music and used a lot in Celtic and Scottish folk music e.g. Auld Lang Syne
Chromatic Scale ‘Chroma’ is the Greek word meaning ‘colour’ The chromatic scale is the one using the 12 notes of an octave and with all these notes a composer can make any ‘colour’ in their work All notes are semitones or next door notes Music that makes heavy use of chromatic notes sounds magnificent and complex It is also used a lot in horror music
Whole-tone-scale This scale is what it says it is i.e. every step from one note to the next is a whole tone (not a semitone) This creates a scale of 6 pitches This music sounds airy, flimsy, fluffy and weightless Debussy, a French composer used a lot of whole-tone- scales in his music Name the whole tones starting on C
Diatonic Scales Most Western music uses diatonic scales They are 7 note scales using 5 tones and 2 semitones to arrive at the note an octave higher than where it started Major scale – TTSTTTS (all white notes starting on C) happy sound Minor scale – TSTTSTT (melodic minor) – dark, depressing sound Harmonic Minor Scale - To play a harmonic minor scale, you simply raise the seventh note of the scale by a half-step as you go up and down the scale. For example: Natural C Minor Scale = C - D - Eb - F - G - Ab - Bb - C Harmonic C Minor Scale = C - D - Eb - F - G - Ab - B - C
Identify different scales Pentatonic Chromatic Diatonic scale Minor Whole-tone-scale Diatonic scale major Place number of extract in correct scale circle