Recycling Do the Expenses Outweigh Benefits? By: Hunter S.
Pros One million jobs Raises consciousness Gives people a way to take action Aluminum 95% more efficient than harvesting infinitely recyclable
Cons Pollution Monetary cost Resource usage “Most wasteful activity in modern America.”
Myths of Recycling Landfills are toxic We’re running out of landfill space Recycling conserves natural resources Forests are saved by recycling paper
Reduce, Reuse...Recycle? Be kind to Earth Recycle selectively Always reduce and reuse
Bibliography Big Think Jeff Jacoby. “Recycling is Garbage.” Carpe Diem Carpe Diem < ii.html> John Tierney. The Rumors Were True < garbage/> Heartlander. < article/2004/03/01/mandatory-recycling-wastes-resources-harms- environment> Do the Benefits of Recycling Outweigh the Costs?