DOCLINE Update Medical Library Association 2007 Philadelphia, PA Maria Elizabeth Collins National Library of Medicine, NIH/HHS
Agenda DOCLINE today DOCLINE today Recent enhancements Recent enhancements Changes currently in progress Changes currently in progress Upcoming development plans Upcoming development plans
DOCLINE Today 3,166 libraries participating 3,166 libraries participating Over 1.47 million serial holdings records Over 1.47 million serial holdings records 2.31 million ILL Requests in FY million ILL Requests in FY06 Fill Rate is 92.2% Fill Rate is 92.2% Average number of routes is 1.24 Average number of routes is 1.24
DOCLINE Libraries (Federal and special libraries)
ILL Requests
Network Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshots
Network Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshot
NLM Delivery Methods 40 Day Snapshot
DOCLINE Routing 84% of requests completed on first route 84% of requests completed on first route 96.5% of requests completed on second route 96.5% of requests completed on second route Only 3.5% of requests require more than 2 routes Only 3.5% of requests require more than 2 routes Average number of routes = 1.24 Average number of routes = 1.24
A Day in the Life … 8,566 requests were completed on 5/10/ % were completed in less than 3 hours 25% were completed in less than 3 hours 36% were completed in less than 6 hours 36% were completed in less than 6 hours 70% were completed in less than 24 hours 70% were completed in less than 24 hours 92% were completed in less than 48 hours 92% were completed in less than 48 hours Average time to fill a normal request = 0.89 days Average time to fill a normal request = 0.89 days Average time to fill a rush request = 0.31 days Average time to fill a rush request = 0.31 days Average time to fill an urgent request = 0.15 days Average time to fill an urgent request = 0.15 days
DOCLINE Fill Rates
DOCLINE 2.7 (March 2006) Fill rate improved 1% to 92.2% Fill rate improved 1% to 92.2% Routing by library group Routing by library group –Total: 1,144 –FreeShare: 520 Service Level Service Level –Rush: 1,740 providers (86.7% fill rate) –Urgent patient care: 566 providers (89.5% fill rate) Multiple delivery methods Multiple delivery methods Refer On Refer On
DOCLINE 2.8 (June 2006) Cosmetic improvements to LD Ordering Cosmetic improvements to LD Ordering Ability for libraries to remove Loansome Doc patrons from their patron list display Ability for libraries to remove Loansome Doc patrons from their patron list display Improvements to Loansome Doc registration Improvements to Loansome Doc registration –Limit search results to libraries serving the public by default –Greater visibility to “Contact Library” –Ability to require an “authorization code”
Institution Update - LD
LD Registration
DOCLINE 3.0 (October 2006) LinkOut information in Borrow LinkOut information in Borrow Display library holdings in Borrow Display library holdings in Borrow Display PMC author manuscripts in Borrow Display PMC author manuscripts in Borrow Ability to individually review retired requests Ability to individually review retired requests Annual report of titles filled by institution Annual report of titles filled by institution EFTS file builder EFTS file builder
EFTS File Builder
ISO ILL Protocol DOCLINE ended support Jan 2007 DOCLINE ended support Jan 2007 –Only 3 libraries converted to protocol –Very labor intensive –Difficult to scale Standard currently up for re-affirmation vote Standard currently up for re-affirmation vote DOCLINE looking for other opportunities DOCLINE looking for other opportunities
DOCLINE 3.1 (April 2007) User account creation and maintenance (RMLs and NLM) User account creation and maintenance (RMLs and NLM) NLM administrative functions NLM administrative functions Single lend – ability to view / print receipt Single lend – ability to view / print receipt Library Groups in Routing Table report Library Groups in Routing Table report Ability to set mail delivery = No Ability to set mail delivery = No
Housekeeping Review institution record Review institution record –Address and contact info –Services & Fees –DOCLINE Options Borrowing preferences Routing Table & M/A/N Map Delivery Methods –Loansome Doc Options Registration Delivery methods Review serial holdings Review serial holdings
Plans for the future
DOCLINE 3.2 (Summer 2007) Technical release Technical release Preparation for Oracle 10g Preparation for Oracle 10g Security upgrades Security upgrades PubMed technical changes PubMed technical changes SSL for DOCLINE SSL for DOCLINE – –Automatic redirect from
DOCLINE 3.3 (Fall 2007) Optional notification when a request routes to your library Optional notification when a request routes to your library –Separate Yes/No settings for Normal, Rush, Urgent – delivery address Borrow / Manual Borrow / Manual –Alert users to other request options –Remove NLM UI and call number fields Requests by library group membership report Requests by library group membership report
Proposed Report PAUMMM as Borrower Lenders: Requests Filled Fill Rate ABCD % ABCD % FreeShare % FreeShare % All others % All others % Totals: % Totals: % PAUMMM as Lender Borrowers: Requests Filled Fill Rate ABCD % ABCD % FreeShare % FreeShare % All Others % All Others % Totals: % Totals: %
DOCLINE 4.0 (Future…) Requests & Serial Holdings Requests & Serial Holdings –Efficiency Time is money and libraries do not have enough of either –Ease of use –E-journals Embargos ePub ahead of print Licensing restrictions Diverging content –Interoperability with 3 rd party systems
DOCLINE Best Practices Etiquette guidelines – user suggestions Etiquette guidelines – user suggestions Software guidelines Software guidelines –Accurate institution record –Borrow Use software options Use correct request method (avoid Manual) –Receipt in a timely manner –Lend in a timely manner Update DOCLINE accurately (delivery methods!) Update DOCLINE after actual fill & same day
Learn More NLM Online Update NLM Online Update –Monday Sunrise Seminar 7:00am –Grand Ballroom, Salons A and B –PubMed, LinkOut, Indexing, MedlinePlus, etc. –Analysis of DOCLINE ILL data from FY2005 EFTS Users Group Meeting EFTS Users Group Meeting –Monday, 2pm – 3pm –Rooms 309 and 310
Talk With Us NLM Booth NLM Booth –Sunday, 4pm – 5pm –Monday, 10am - 12pm DOCLINE Team Members at MLA DOCLINE Team Members at MLA –Deena Acton –Maria Collins –Barbara Nicholson
Questions & Answers