NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. P RODUCT O VERVIEW A S OLUTION FOR G LOBAL C ONTAINER T RADING O PERATIONS Your Indian Technology Partner Note: This is a privileged and confidential document of iInterchange Systems Private Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without prior written consent from iInterchange. © iInterchange Systems, India
Overview iTrade is a web based software solution for enterprises who are in the business of container trading. It consist of following modules: Masters & Admin Container Procurement Container Maintenance Container Reposition & Sub lease Container Sales Alerts & Reports
Complete visibility of assets world wide Easy and quick tracking of containers Ability to track Container wise profit/loss at various levels. Real Time availability of Data Powerful MIS Reports Benefits
A web based solution with in-built alert mechanism. Easy implementation backed by a committed support Supports Organizational structure Built on Microsoft.NET platform Secure and user definable Role Right mechanism Report Filters and Drill down facility Highly User friendly user interface & Components Features
Process Flow
Menu navigation – HQ user User Friendly
Menu navigation – Area Office user User Friendly
Other menu items User Friendly
Excel upload User Friendly
Intelligent Error messages This Container Number Already Exists in another Offer. User Friendly
Defined access to each user through role rights screen Role Rights
iTrade handles power structure for approval process in container trading. Organization Structure
Outstanding payments Invoice/Payment detail Profitability report Inventory report Storage & other costs Reposition detail report Container history Bulk trade reports MIS Reports
Outstanding payments MIS Reports
Invoice/Payment detail MIS Reports
Profitability report MIS Reports
Inventory report MIS Reports
Storage & other costs MIS Reports
Reposition detail report MIS Reports
Container history MIS Reports
Bulk trade reports MIS Reports
Sale Invoice, Purchase Order, Quotation and Release as per customer defined format. Print and Export option Documents
Hardware RequirementsSoftware Requirements INFRASTRUCTURE Intel dual core Zeon 2.4 MHZ processor 4 GB RAM or above 750 GB Hard Disk 2MBPS Network Speed Client PC’s- Intel Pentium IV, 2Ghz equal or higher 2GB RAM Windows server 2003 or above Internet information service 6.0 or above Microsoft.NET framework 2.0 Oracle 10g express edition or SQL server 2500 Express Edition Microsoft SQL server report viewer System Requirements
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