Andrew Avenue School A Great Place to Be Strategic Plan
Andrew Avenue School 251 Students Free and Reduced- 158 students, 62.9% ELL-17 students, 7% ( *as of 4/15) Special Education- 28 students, 11.2% Average Class Size
Data Attendance- 9.43% of students chronically absent Offenses-2 discipline offenses reported to CT SDE
Data +16 percentage points
Priority 1- Shared Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan Committees-all teachers involved (Leadership, Keep Learning on Track, Grade Level Work Teams) Posted vision and mission in classrooms, hallways, website and offices Andrew Avenue Mission Statement revised to match district priorities Teacher and administrator goals aligned and in service of district goals Strategic plan reviewed in order to obtain input from Parent Teacher Group and Leadership Team
Priority 2-Continuous Improvement of Teaching and Learning Connecticut K-3 Literacy Initiative- in collaboration with Literacy How, The Hill for Literacy, sponsored through the Black and Latino Caucus and Focused on Closing Opportunity Gaps Improved Data Team Process Student Goal Setting and Data Folders
CK3LI- How does the Andrew Avenue community benefit? Scientifically Based and CCSS Aligned Reading Program, Reading Street by Pearson ($116, ) 2 Part-time Coaches 2 Full-time Highly Trained Interventionists Training for CK3LI Interventionists as well as Internal Interventionists Scientifically Based Reading Intervention Programs for Tier 2 and Tier 3 Training/support for Leadership Team Training/support with Data Team Process Extensive Reading Professional Development for Teachers Timeline- “Until gaps are closed!”
Sample Progress Monitoring Meeting CK3LI Supported Progress Monitoring Meetings 10/15/14 Review Tier 2 and 3 Current Groups 1.Who is in each group and why? (Kristine) 2.How does the EIR program meet the needs of the various groups? (Kristine and Judy) Teacher Input 1.Do the groupings make sense in regards to which students are grouped together? (Teachers) 2.Are there any students that don’t seem to fit in the current groups? (Teachers) Tier 1 1.How can the interventions be supported during the Readers Workshop block? (Group Discussion) 2.How can students not receiving Tier 2/3 best be challenged? (Group Discussion) 3.Are we, as a school, missing supports (materials, etc) that could help better service all students? 4. (Group Discussion)
CK3LI Supported
Instructional Plan Student Names & Scores Strengths and/or Areas of Need Identify student problems and/or strengths in understanding. What factors are impeding student success? Then the teacher will… Instructional strategy for each group. What high leverage strategy will you use? The evidence will be… How will you know that your students are making progress toward the goal? Proficient or Above : Strength: Able to provide multiple text based evidence to support answer in a written response. Need: Consistency within a variety of different texts and types of questioning. Teacher will model and teach in small groups, close reading for text evidence using multiple genres and levels of text. Text evidence included within practice written responses. Evidence from a variety of genres within one open- response answer. PLANNING FOR ACTIVE LEARNING Participants: Jill Lennon, Emily Clarke Date Plan Created: April 1 st, 2015 Review Date: Next Data Team SMART Goal The number of students scoring at grade level mastery or above on using text-based evidence in a written response will increase from ____15___ students to ___25_____ students as measured by Reading Street Unit Benchmark Test (Balanced (# of students) ( target # of students) Assessment) administered on May 8th, Beginning and ending dates for implementing these strategies? Begin 3/30/15 and use strategies through 05/08 Person(s) responsible for implementing this instructional plan- Classroom Teachers School Based
Priority 3-Safe, Welcoming and High Performing Learning Environments STAR Raffles/Assemblies Safety updates completed (video monitoring, secure doors, shatter resistant glass, etc) Behavioral Interventions: lessons, groups, peer selected student of the month Technology: Chrome Books (2 Labs), iPads (~60, at least 4 per classroom), Kindles (~10), myON (digital library with 8,657 books), Hour of Code (students using computer codes to program) Buddy Benches to be installed spring of 2015 Emergency Code Practice Safety Committee Reports to Mike Lynch Relationships!!!!
Priority 4-Organizational System Designed for Results Website Schedule Designed for Academic Success TEVAL process District Hiring Process- interview with committee, teach lesson and reference check Handbook for staff and students School Messenger: reminders, s Newsletters Surveys: Students, parents and staff
Schedule Designed for Success
Priority 5-Families and Community as Partners Family Fun Nights Parent Literacy Workshops (CK3LI) Grade Level Family Events Family Lunches Volunteer Lunch Guest Teachers
Priority 5-Families and Community as Partners NEF- Outdoor Classroom Revitalized Spring of 2015 with Parent Lead Zumba Howard Whittemore Library Discovery-Breakfast Club High School- classroom volunteers “Dress-down” Community Donations
Andrew Avenue School Thank you for helping us educate all students today for tomorrow’s future!