WELCOME Pick up NOW Sample Forms Pick up AFTERWARDS At end of Session: Team Uniforms Player Passes (discuss any passes that are HELD)
MANAGER/COACHES MEETING SPRING 2015 April 7, :30-8pm Otsego Prairie Center
TRSA (who we are) TRSA is unique from our neighboring clubs as we offer both Competitive play for our U9+ players as well as a Recreation program 116 Recreational Teams 40+ Competitive Teams Over 1700 registrations 5 Paid Employees 2 - Director of Coaching and Player Development 3 – Administration Roles (Registrar, Treasurer, Referee Assignor) Board of Directors 15 volunteer positions (we do have open positions if you would like to apply)
TRSA (why we are) Studies have been done indicating the Top 3 influential people in our youths development: Coaches Teachers Parents At TRSA we take this very seriously and expect positive reinforcement from our Board/Coaches/Manager/Parents/Players
Agenda Key Dates and Contacts Manager Checklist Team Communication (SportNgin, TRSA postings) Practice Info (Nights and Fields) Game Administration (Rescheduling, Preparing for, Day off, Day after) Weather Policy, Field Closures Risk Management Miscellaneous Information
Key Dates August 1 Beginning of soccer year (including age cutoff) October Coach/Manager meeting (Winter rosters distributed) Uniform ordering and try-ons Register as TRSA Manager/Coach November Annual General Meeting Indoor Training Begins Complete background check and concussion training January Most tournament registration begins, continues thru April February Feb. 13 State Cup Applications due: C1/PR only Feb 23 Interclub Transfer Deadline March Teams submitted by club registrar to MYSA TRSA Coaches/Managers Meeting April Uniform orders and Player Passes delivered MYSA Online Presentation for all teams 4/15 Game Reschedules completed – 4/29 May May 4 - MYSA League play begins July End of league play, playoffs, state Scores MUST BE reported by 7/6 or 7/13 (age dependent) Summer 2016 Tryouts
Key Contacts Administrative: Adam Weirman – Uniforms Player uniform issues Kristi Smith – Equipment Team Equipment needs
Manager Checklist October-December: Attend Manager’s Meeting in October to get Initial Roster Assemble Roster and make contact with all Parents Set up Website (either Shutterfly or through TRSA SportsNgin Send out (or set up Calendar) informing parents of CPT (Club Provided Training) during the off-season Complete Background Check January: Determine (with Coach) the Tournaments for the Summer Create a Team Fee Budget Based on Registration dates (and known early fill up tournaments) – Create a Team Fee Budget with payment dates Send out Team Fee Budget to the Parents February-March: Register for Tournaments April: Rosters are updated LIVE on SportNgin Complete MYSA OnLine Presentation Receive Game Schedule – upon completion of Presentation Request Game Schedule RE-SCHEDULE Dates/Address changes from opposing teams 4/29 Send your MYSA team Collect from all Players Medical Waiver/Release Liability Form 1” Picture of every Player and Coach (for Player Passes) Prepare Game Day Materials MYSA Competitive Match Report and Self-Addressed Envelopes Prepare Coach/Player Passes (Lamination provided by TRSA) All Player/Coaching Fee’s MUST be paid prior to receiving a Player Pass. Report ALL game scores on the MYSA website
Manager Checklist (continued) May: Game Schedule Post Away Game Schedule on SportNgin (home schedule will be done by TRSA VP Competitive) Post Practice Schedule on SportNgin Games Start Report ALL game scores on the MYSA website June: MYSA website – indicate if team will be participating in Playoffs July: Ensure all games scores have been reported by July 6 or 13 (age dependent) Communicate Tryout Dates
Team Communication Informational: Team Websites : SportNgin Great SIMPLE way of communicating with team Posting practice/game schedules TRSA hosted team pages - benefits Send Messages and RSVP requests directly from the SportNgin App Post picture/video’s directly from app to team page Supportive: TRSA website of Team accomplishments Provide team accomplishments for posting on our Include commentary on accomplishment Include Picture (make sure team parents approve of picture being posted to website)
Practice Logistics U9-U12: All U9-U12 Teams practice at Meadowvalle Elementary 2 U12 fields, 3 U10 fields 2 teams per field Aaron will assign team to fields by EOTW Times should be up to the coaches U13+: All U13+ Teams practice at RMS/NCP 2 Full Size Practice Fields 2 teams per field Ryan will assign team Field and Practice times
Practice Fields U9-U12:U13+:
SportNgin Training Desktop: Initial Set up of Team Page Set up Player additional information (like adding an address) Mass scheduling of events/games I will upload all HOME games to the site on 4/15 Mobil App: Functionality: RSVP’s for games Send team messages (to 1 or all) Uploading photo’s Scheduling Events Follow other teams Admin Switch Team # for Mobil App
SportNgin Training Desktop: Initial Set up of Team Page Set up Player additional information (like adding an address) Mass scheduling of events/games I will upload all HOME games to the site on 4/15 Mobile App: Functionality: RSVP’s for games Send team messages (to 1 or all) Uploading photo’s Scheduling Events Follow other teams Admin Switch Team # for Mobil App
SportNgin Mobile Training Mobile Training: Download the App Follow your Team (# from Desktop page) Follow any additional teams you are interested in Recommend teams that can play with your team, this way you can see their game times Team # for Mobil App from Desktop
SportNgin Mobile Training RSVP’s: Open your team page Select Schedule Select Specific Game/Event Select Team RSVP’s If someone has not answered Select Edit at top Select individual players Select Invite This sends ANOTHER notification to the on file
SportNgin Mobile Training SportNgin Team Messaging: Open your team page Select Messages Select players to receive the message. Can be all or 1 Messages is sent to their and also their SportNgin App
Home Game Rescheduling PROCESS Determine three (3) alternate dates with the away team. Referee Coordinator, using the template that appears when you click the link on the manager webpage of TRSA website. Referee Coordinator will confirm back to you within 48 hours. Reconfirm date with the away coach/manager Once the away team accepts the new date and field, TRSA Coach/Manager must go to MYSA’s website to complete the online reschedule form instructions Note: You will need your user name and password that was given at the completion of the online MYSA rep presentation. Note: You will need your user name and password that was given at the completion of the online MYSA rep presentation. Away games are rescheduled by away team All games must be rescheduled by April 29 th. Only other reschedules allowed will be acts of God.
Home Game Rescheduling Why 3 alternate dates? The Referee Coordinator needs to fit your reschedule between games that are already scheduled, and with consideration to referee availability. Providing more options ensures your reschedule can be completed as efficiently as possible. Can I request a specific time for my reschedule? You can request it, but it is not likely the request can be honored. Reschedules need to be scheduled with consideration to both field & referee availability. How do I reschedule an AWAY game? TRSA Referee Coordinator only reschedules TRSA HOME games. Please contact the coach/manager of the away team and they will facilitate the reschedule with their club contacts.
Bring to game checklist Player/Coaches passes Competitive Match Report, with stamped self addressed envelope for home games. (Required and mandatory.) 4 corner flags (home games) Ejected Participant form (pink card – U11 and older) First aid kit, ice packs – provided to the coach Emergency contact information Medical liability forms Discuss with coach who is responsible for bringing items
Player/Coaches Passes Collect 1 X 1in photo of every player, coach and manager for pass. Get a signature of every player, manager and coach on the back of the pass. Signature must match name on pass Laminate each pass Put pass together in alphabetical order (by last names) in a ring.
Competitive Match Report (CMR) From Players Passes District Team Code Player Name Registration # Print Several Copies and Fill out Game specific details per game. From Game Schedule Located on TRSA Website – Competitive\Team Manager manager manager Players listed in alphabetical order by last name
After the Game Collect all items brought to field Coach and Player Passes If you forget (referee does not return) Home games – Contact Field/Referee Assignor as soon as you know you do not have them Away games – contact opposing team, they can help you track down referee. Corner Flags Report Game score on MYSA website Instructions received during online presentation. First team to enter score does reporting Referee Feedback (if applicable) – included in game reporting
Game Reporting All MYSA teams must report game scores via MYSA website MYSA Summer 2016 Game reporting deadline July 6 U11-U14 July 13 U9 –U10 Any games not reported incur a fine to both teams
MYSA Weather Policy If lightning is within five miles, with or without hearing thunder, the game(s) or practice(s) should be suspended and shelter sought. (A rough guideline is to measure the time between the lightning flash and hearing the corresponding thunder. If it is 30 seconds or less, seek shelter.) Games are to be adjusted as the heat index rises: Mandatory water breaks Go to quarters Shorten the games In cold weather, players should be allowed to dress in appropriate clothing. MYSA Weather Policy:
Field Closures Field closures are determined by the home team/City TRSA Field closures/weather cancellations can be found at the following link after 4PM on weekdays. If ISD 728 closes their fields, then all TRSA fields will be closed. Contact opposing team if our fields are closed If no field closure or weather cancellation both teams must be at the field or game will be forfeited. Home games cancelled for weather/field closure? Home team must reschedule with referee assignor
Risk Management New Heading Rule: Concussion: Highly Recommend as many Coaches/Managers and Parents take the following certification
Ways for Teams to Fundraise Lehrke Fields TRSA Snack Shack: (awaiting city approval) TRSA has a newly built Gazebo located on the Lehrke Fields that is available for teams to sell snacks. Must reserve Date/Time on the TRSA website Can only sell pre-packaged items (water bottles, pop cans, candy, etc). Can NOT make food to sell. Team must provide clean up service on the Lehrke fields AFTER their time slot. Meaning, if you run the Shack from Your team must do a sweep of the fields at 730 to remove all garbage and place in the garbage cans. Your team provides the items and keeps all profits TRSA Recreational Training Assistants – U13+ Local Sponsorships: Chipolte Marketing, Cub Baggers/Brat Stand, Pizza Ranch (I’m sure there are more) National Opportunities: Heggies Pizza Sales, Schwans campaigns, (I’m sure there are more)
End of Part I – Last thoughts… Managers and teams are Positive Representatives of TRSA Take with you tonight Player/Coaches passes Team Uniforms Thank you!!
Otsego Prairie Center – April 7 th, 6:30-8: Summer Competitive Managers Meeting