First Aid in a Laboratory
Chemical Spills in the eye Hold the eye open with the finger and thumb Rinse water or steri water across the eye from tear duct to ear Rinse for at least 10 minutes Bandage the eye to prevent further contamination or infection
Chemical Splash to the skin Remove the affected clothing of the injured person immediately Rinse the burn constantly with plenty of water for at lease 10 minutes Cover injured areas with sterile dressing refer to a doctor
Burns 3 rd Degree burns – Open wounds Immediately cool affected area with cold running water for no less than 15 minutes. Only remove clothing that is not stuck to the skin Do not apply creams or oils. Seek medical attention immediately 1 st and 2 nd Degree burns – redness and blisters Cool area for about 15 minutes with cold water Do not burst blisters
Small Cuts Rinse off wound with water Dress wound with sterile dressing
Serious cuts Raise the injured limb if possible Apply pressure using thick absorbent dressing If more dressing is required place on top of the first, do not remove first dressing When bleeding slows use a bandage to hold dressing in place and seek medical attention