Assessment and Rubrics Kate McNeill Boston College Maria Gonzalez-Howard Boston College
Overview of Class
Overview of Today Share and discuss transcripts from Assignment #2 Presentation on assessments and rubrics Analyze science writing Analyze history writing Logistics – Assignment #3 Conclusion and Questions
Activity: Discuss transcripts Share one-page transcript with colleagues Discuss the transcript with your colleagues: What went well during the discussions? What challenges arose during the discussion? How similar and different are the discussions across science and history? What did you learn that you hope to address or apply in future argumentation lessons? Hand-in Assignment #2
Developing a rubric Try writing or speaking an “ideal” student response. After you have given the item to students, also look at their writing to revise the rubric. Components How many components are required for the response (CE, CER or CERR)? Quality of Components For each of the parts, could students responses include a range of quality? What specifically are you looking for in terms of the content and context of the question (e.g. what counts as strong evidence)?
Scientific Argument Rubric
Activity: Analyze Science Writing Question – What has caused volcanoes to form at the Azores? (Michelle’s 8 th grade class) Score the responses using the specific rubric. For each student, give a separate score for: Claim – 0 or 1 Evidence - 0, 1, 2, or 3 Reasoning - 0, 1, 2 or 3 Provide feedback and strategies What feedback would you provide this student Why? What strategies might you use to help this student construct a stronger argument?
Activity: Analyze History Writing Question – How did geography affect the early settlements of Egypt, Kush and Canaan? (Roland’s 7 th grade class) Score the responses using the specific rubric. For each student, give a separate score for: Claim – 0 or 1 Evidence - 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 Reasoning - 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 Provide feedback and strategies What feedback would you provide this student? Why? What strategies might you use to help this student construct a stronger argument?
Discussion of Rubrics What are the strengths and weaknesses of the rubrics we used today? How could they be revised to be more effective? What are the challenges around designing assessments and rubrics? What strategies do you use to address these challenges?
Conclusions Make the CER framework explicit Identify places in your curriculum where it makes sense to include CER and design learning tasks. Incorporate different scaffolds, graphic organizers and other supports for your students Include CER in your science talk to make it a part of your classroom culture. Use rubrics to evaluate student writing. Provide students with explicit and clear feedback
Logistics – Assignment #3 3 reflection questions about your future plans Similarities and differences in history and science Biggest student challenge Introducing argumentation next year final assignment to Kate – - by Tuesday, Feb. 26 Note – Sample questions for all assignments on website
Contact Information Kate McNeill Maria Gonzalez-Howard