Mountains in our beautiful country - Bulgaria Vocational High School of Veterinary Medicine, Dobrich, Bulgaria Animal Protection in Europe
There are 37 mountains on the territory of Bulgaria, 36 of them situated in the southern part of the country and the mountain range of Stara Planina is the border between Northern and Southern Bulgaria. Nearly one-third of the territory is covered with mountains. Pirin Rila Rhodope Stara Planina Vitisha
Bulgarian mountains harbour spectacular peaks and glacial lakes, forested valleys and stream-side meadows, marvelous gorges and caves, century-old pine, oak, and beech woodlands. Bulgaria's mountains are also home to incredibly rich wildlife, flora and fauna protected in 3 national and 11 nature parks, and numerous reserves. 1. Rila 1. Rila 2. Pirin 2. Pirin 3. Rhodope 3. Rhodope 4. Stara Planina 4. Stara Planina 5. Vitosha 5. Vitosha Bulgarian mountains Bulgarian mountains Top 5 Top 5 Pirin Phodope Rila Stara Planina
Rila Mountain Rila is the sixth highest mountain in Europe and the highest mountain on the Balkan Peninsula (Mt. Moussala 2925 m); The 7 Rila lakes; Famous ski resort (Borovets) Moussala peak 2925 mRila lakes
Five species of fish, 20 species of amphibians and reptiles, 48 species of mammals, and 99 species of birds represent the vertebrate fauna. Twenty-four of these vertebrate species are listed in the World Red Data Book as nearly extinct. wild boar grey wolf red fox alpine ibexBalkan chamois shrewhedgehogleast weasel
Rila Mountain Insectivores: hedgehog Bats: Lagomorphs: European rabbit Rodents: Wild mice, Water vole Even-toed ungulates: Wild boar, Roe deer, Alpine ibex, Wild goat There are 48 mammal species in Rila List of mammals: Carnivores Grey wolf Red fox Marten European pine marten Eurasian badger Least weasel European otter Brown bear Wild cat
Rila mountain has some of the healthiest and most viable populations of predatory birds in Europe. It’s also a home to a group of birds characteristic of the high mountain zone: wall creeper, alpine chough, and alpine accentor, globally representing this region for the ornithofauna of the alpine biome. alpine accentor imperial eagle small eagle cock of the woodhazel hensrock partridges
Pirin Mountain Pirin is the most beautiful and Alpine-like Bulgarian mountain; The highest peak is Vihren- 2914; Famous ski resort (Bansko) Vihren peak 2914 mPirin beauty
Pirin Mountain The number of bird species that can be seen in Pirin is particularly large-about 160, 40% of all bird species in Bulgaria. Species of birds are spotted eagle, golden eagle, lesser spotted eagle, short-toed eagle, booted eagle, capercaillie, hazel grouse, eagle owl, black woodpecker, three-toed woodpecker, Alpine chough, saker Falco, levant sparrowhawk, wallcreeper; capercaillie hazel grouse
spotted eaglegolden eagle lesser spotted eagleshort-toed eagle booted eagle
eagle owlblack woodpeckerAlpine chough three-toed woodpecker saker Falco levant sparrow hawk wallcreeper
Pirin Mountain There are 45 terrestrial mammals (including 12 bat species) that inhabit the Pirin mountain which is 50% of the total number in the country. Among them are the wild goat, and the brown bear. wild goatbrown bearred deer fox deer
Protected Animals in Pirin mountain -brown beargrey wolf -jackal pine martin -rock martinpolecat -badgerotter -wild catwild boar -red deer roe deer -Balkan chamoisthe greater mouse-eared bat -longeared batGreek tortoise Mammal species include polecat rock martinbadger otter
Rhodope Mountain Phodope is the oldest and most lyrical Bulgarian mountain; The highest peak is Big Perelik- 2191; Famous ski resort (Pamporovo); Big Perelik peak 2191 mRhodope- the mountain of Orpheus
The fauna of the Rhodopes Mountain include and more 1500 animals. Brown bear, wolf and wild cat all survive here in significant numbers, as do more species of bat than anywhere else in Europe. There are also many interesting birds, particularly raptors. Indeed the Rhodope (Rodopi) Mountains are the most important place in Europe for birds of prey with 36 species having been recorded here. In particular, the Rhodope (Rodopi) Mountains are renowned by birdwatchers from around the world for elusive species such as wallcreeper, griffon vulture, black vulture, Egyptian vulture and masked shrike. Rhodope Mountain
The Stara Planina Mountain Stara Planina divided Bulgaria in two parts- north and south; It’s the longest and the biggest in area, known as the Balkan Mountains, too; The highest peak is Botev- 2376;
Red deer Wild boar Golden eagle Bear Wolf
Vitosha Mountain Vitosha mountain is next to our capital Sofia; It’s the most visited mountain in Bulgaria; The highest peak is Black Peak- 2290m.; Ski resort (Aleko) Black peak 2290 mAleko
10 species of amphibians (3 tailed species and 7 species of frogs) and 12 species of reptiles (6 species of lizards and 6 species of snakes) have been identified in the park. Among the most endangered ones are the viper, the mountain lizard, the salamander, the blindworm and etc. 236 species of birds are known in Vitosha, 120 of them nest there. Recently, on the territory of the park can be seen some rare or endangered species: goshawk, black stork, eagle owl, golden eagle, etc. The bat fauna is most diversified in the Bosneshki karst region. Ten out of the 13 known species in Vitosha can be found there. There are 9 bears at the moment. In Vitosha can be seen all predatory and wild hoofed animals characteristic for the Bulgarian mountains: wolves, foxes, martens, deer, etc. The lynx and the wild goat disappeared from the mountain fauna in the beginning of the last century. Vitosha Mountain black storkvipergoshawk
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