Romanian framework concerning GMOs Dr. Valeria GAGIU Institute of Food Bioresources 6 Dinu Vintila Street, , 2 nd district, Bucharest ROMANIA Tel , Tel./Fax: Website:
GMOs LEGISLATION IN ROMANIA – Project for Decision regarding transborder transport of GMOs, according Law no. 52/2003 regarding decisional transparence in public administration. Order no. 923/2005Order no. 923/2005, regardind approval of Presentation form for notification sumary regarding placing on the market of GMOs, consisting of or produced from GMOs. Order no. 923/2005 Order no. 838/2005Order no. 838/2005, for approval of the guidebook regarding applying of Annex no. 12 “Monitoring plan” of Government Decision no. 49/2000 regarding obtaining, testing, using and trading of GMOS by modern biotechnology, as well as products obtained by these, approved with changes by Law no. 214/2002 Order no. 838/2005 Order no. 606/2005Order no. 606/2005, regarding approval of Presentation Form for results of deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified higher plants, for any other purpose than for placing on the market. Order no. 606/2005
for ratification of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, signed on at Montreal, M.O. 192/ Law no. 59/ for ratification of Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, signed on at Montreal, M.O. 192/ Law no. 59/ Law no. 214/ Law no. 214/ for approval of Government Ordinance no. 49/2000 regarding obtaining, testing, using and trading of GMOs by modern biotechnology, as well as products obtained by them, M.O. 316/ Law no. 214/ Law no. 58/ Law no. 58/ for ratification of Convention for Biological Diversity, M.O. 199/ Law no. 58/
Order no. 684/ Order no. 684/ regarding approval of National Commission for Biosafety structure and Regulation for Structure and Operating, M.O. 793/ Order no. 684/ Order no. 462/ Order no. 462/ regarding the evidence of economical agents which cultivate GM plants, M.O. 542/ Order no. 462/ HG nr. 106/ HG nr. 106/ regarding food labelling, Annex no. 3 - Methodological norms regarding additional informations which must be indicated by label or contain GM additives and flavours, M.O. 407/ HG nr. 106/ Law no. 86/ Law no. 86/ for Ratification of information access, public participation to decision and access to justice in environmental problems, signed at Aarhus on 25 June 1998, M.O. 224/ Law no. 86/
Food Safety National Measures Ministry of Agriculture founded Romanian National Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) since September This Authority is autonomous and has 42 representatives county and a large number of accredited laboratories, very well equipped and prepared for quality assessment of animal origin food and has also an ongoing project for developing the non- animal origin sector.
Food Safety legislative implementation by ANSVSA – National Food Safety Authority New approaches in food safety: Food chain – “from fork to farm” and “from farm to fork”; Control systems on the basis of risk assessment; Prevention approaches and risk communication strategies; Development of the capacity concerning traceability and reaction capacity in crises (contingency management).
National R & D Program Biotechnology (BIOTECH) National R & D Program Biotechnology (BIOTECH) 2001 – 2003 Subprogram 8 - Analysis, control and quality assurance of biotech substances and products; prevention of risks implyed by producing and use of them 2004 – 2006 Subprogram 5.2. – Subprogram 5.2. – Control of the biotech process and products and prevention of risks implyed by producing and use of them
INSTITUTE OF FOOD BIORESOURCES NATIONAL PROGRAMME “ BIOTECH” Project „ANALYTICAL CONTROL OF PROTEINS CP4 EPSPS FROM SOYBEAN AND Cry1Ab FROM MAIZE, USING IMMUNOENZIMATIC METHODS” (2004 – 2006). Main goal: accreditation of 2 methods (immunostrip; ELISA) for detection of genetically modified proteins from RUR soybean and MON810 maize. Expected results: Quality assurance for detection of GM proteins; Quality assurance for detection of GM proteins; Validation of immunoenzimatic methods; Validation of immunoenzimatic methods; Accreditation by RENAR (till Oct. 2006) - accordingly Accreditation by RENAR (till Oct. 2006) - accordingly EN ISO 21572:2004 “Foodstuffs. Methods for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived genetically modified organisms and derived products. Protein based methods” and products. Protein based methods” and EN ISO/CEI 17025:2000 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” of testing and calibration laboratories”
Notification for Notification for authorisation of deliberated releases into environment for field testing of Redsec potato variety genetically modified for resistance to Colorado beetle (Annex 8B law 214/2002). Risk evaluation for environment. Monitoring plan. This institution meet requirements for accreditation of GMOs detection by PCR, but its activity is only for research. of Banat from Timisoara University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine of Banat from Timisoara
FUTURE APROACHES to improve knowledge on GMOs – training of staff; to improve infrastructure of laboratory; to get new financial resources by: National R&D Program BIOTECH; National R&D Program CEEX ; International Programs (FP6; Phare; Sapard).
Thank you !