Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/2008 1 BFW Card - Physics Requirements.


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Presentation transcript:

Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/ BFW Card - Physics Requirements - Status - BFW Card design - Carbon wire mounting and tooling - BFW card alignment procedure Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan

Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/ BFW Card: Physics Overview (PRD r1) ParameterValueStatus Wires per BFW device22 Wire perpendicularity10 mrad ~1 mrad (early microscope test on prototype) Wire diameter mm0.034 Carbon wires Vertical position of Y-wire from Girder Axis (GA)0.20 mm0.186 mm [Slide 5] Horizontal position of X-wire from GA0.40 mm0.386 mm [Slide 5] Vacuum hardware clearance radius at target>2 mm>2 mm. [Slide 5] Two independent methods to measure beam intensity at wire location: (1) beam induced wire current (2) Scattered particles NA Only scattered particle detection in plan Y-wire vertical insertion reproducibility30 µm Dependent on overall BFW Assembly Alignment X-wire horizontal insertion reproducibility80 µm Dependent on overall BFW Assembly Alignment Roll, pitch, yaw tolerance10 mrad Dependent on overall BFW Assembly Alignment

Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/ Task Status/Dates (from 12/20/2007 PDR) Status/Dates (1/23/08) Send BFW Card prototype to ANLSLAC: Sent 12/19/07Tested at ANL. Modifications made. Delivery of BFW assemblies from ANL1 st article to ship from ANL in early st article ships from ANL on 1/24/08 Fabrication of Bench Assembly for SLAC Alignment of BFWSLAC: Ordered 12/19/07SLAC: Ready 1/25/08 BFW electrical connections SLAC: Copper tabs ready by 12/21/07. Feedthroughs; shielding/grounding start: 02/11/08 SLAC: Copper tabs tested on prototype. Feedthrough connection; shielding/grounding start: 02/11/08 Detector – PMT assembly SLAC: Start Jan 2008 (D. McCormick): Do not need till later [outside vacuum] SLAC: Start Feb 2008 (D. McCormick) Fabrication of 40 BFW cards (Macor) SLAC: Start 01/07/08. Order Macor 12/20/07 SLAC: 1 st article ready for tests: 1/23/08. BFW Card Coating – Kovar (40 pieces)SLAC: Start 01/22/08 SLAC: Start 01/28/08. Delayed due to tooling, Macor delivery, modifications. BFW Card Wiring – Carbon wire, 40 piecesSLAC: Start 01/28/08SLAC: Start 01/30/08 BFW Card Installation and alignmentSLAC: Start 02/11/08 BFW Assembly Pneumatics BoxesProvided by ANL Provided by ANL. Need pressure regulator. 90 psi airlineSLAC: Instrumentation. Start 02/04/08 BFW Controls: Cabling; electronics; software for signal readout [D. McCormick’s detector]; 24V solenoid controller SLAC: Controls. Overall project complete date April 2008 [Cleaning, wiring, card QC: One day for each card] April 2008 BFW Card: Status

Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/ BFW Wire Schematic ( r1) BFW Assembly Overview (J. Bailey) Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL SLAC Deliverable: 1.BFW Card 2.Detection mechanism 3.Cabling 4.90 psi airline; 24V solenoid controller

Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/ BFW Card Prototype Drawing Prototype material: Al-6061 Actual material: Macor Thickness: 3/16” (4.8 mm) Coating: Kovar [tooling in progress] X-wire end point: mm Beam center: 40 mm Gap between beam and X-wire: mm Y-wire end point: mm Beam center: 37.2 mm Gap between beam and Y-wire: mm

Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/ BFW Card Wiring: Tooling Copper Tabs Rods for hanging BFW wire with weights Micrometer stage BFW Card Card holder ‘Carbon wire & weight’ Wires soldered to copper tabs Wires from copper tabs connect to BFW feedthrough Feedthrough to be grounded and RF shielded

Clive Field, Reggie Rogers, Venkat Srinivasan Undulator Week: BFW Card Status Update 01/23/ BFW Card: Alignment Plan Assembly model courtesy: J. Bailey, ANL 1.Place BFW assembly on bench assembly using flange locating pins 2.Bench assembly locates on CMM 3.Locate wires to local fiducials (card edges and hole) – optically. 4.Locate local fiducials to outside tooling balls – using CMM. -Card’s alignment pin holes are slotted in horizontal direction. -Card’s horizontal position is verified/altered using shim/thickness gages. Adjustment Bench located on CMM Bench Fiducials Flange Locating Pins Pneumatic supply Slide Fiducials Wire Card Fiducials are edges of card and additional hole at bottom of card Vertical and Horizontal Adjustment Screws Use shim/thickness gages to measure gap between card holder and card