+ StaffGiant Building Career & Organization
+ StaffGiant Building Career & Organization What is StaffGiant? What we do? What are our services?
+ Are you comfortable with your current recruitment practice? Are you comfortable because each job vacancy you save time, money & efforts Are you comfortable because you have an expert in house recruiter head hunting deep, for the best potential candidate Are you comfortable because you do not have any agency cost or recruitment fee to pay Are you comfortable as you will be spending less on job adverts Are you comfortable like all our clients using our SG deploy service, tailored as per the client requirement, if not What would be this magical service that resolves all your hiring worries for good?
+ SG DEPLOY RPO & APO RPO is newer concept that succeed traditional recruitment and pocket ripping agency /contingency recruitment. APO is a fixed fee based recruitment process. Where process of advertising process is outsourced
+ What is SG DEPLOY, RPO? RPO is simply outsourcing the process of recruitment. A partnership between companies with recruiting needs and a company providing recruitment service in which the hiring employers brand being promoted instead of the recruitment service provider Unlike traditional recruitment RPO can provide technology, methodology, reporting and can be responsible for the results. RPO is more strategic, more pragmatic and not transactional. RPO companies work with their clients for several years, constantly improving their recruiting processes.
+ What SG Deploy, APO? APO is outsourcing the process of advertising the job vacancies for less than £15 per vacancy. You will be posting your job advert in UK’s best job portals including niche job boards You can built you database as well avoid inappropriate candidates from spamming your inbox
+ Why SG Deploy? RPO improves employer brand Reduce backlogs & time to hire Control cost and reduce risk Leverage global resources Access scalable resources Create customized solutions to meet your precise needs Enhance quality of hire and candidate retention Access active, passive and hidden candidate & MANY MORE
+ Is SG Deploy For You? NoAssessment 1If you do not have a permanent Hiring Manager 2If you are planning to set up an internal hiring team 3If you have an in house recruitment team but still have challenges in hiring at times or for some specific job roles 4If your current HR team doesn’t have much time to recruit 5If you are spending more than £20 for a job advert 6If you are thinking about bringing in infrastructure changes 7If your attrition rate is high 8If your current recruitment company is costing you high 9 If you recruit for at least 10 vacancies annually
+ Financial Impact or Benefit Calculation based on SG Deploy Features Service ProvidedCost/y ear 13 Advert up to 5 portals Average cost of one advert £250 (*3*12)+vat * Salary of recruiterAverage annual salary Training Cost6months salary Tools & Technology Account Officer42500 Total SG DEPLOY Basic Cost £1000*12=£12000 Financial Benefit
+ CHOOSING YOUR SG DEPLOY 1)Enterprise: Where the entire recruitment process is outsourced, long-term relation. Meeting end to end HR solution 2)Emerging: Deploying the recruitment process based on an expansion or huge volume staff requirement, medium to long-term relation 3)Time Based: Only a part of the recruitment process is outsourced, small to medium term relation. Fee paid in accordance to the time spent on the task 4)Hybrid: RPO + APO 1)SG Steer: Posting in 10 UK’s leading job 2) SG Connect: SG Steer + Manual CV filtering, professional short £289 3)SG Hybrid: Dedicated recruiter will head hunt potential candidates as per your requirement. Other wise we say APO +
+ SG DEPLOY IN ACTION Service Included Candidate Research Work force planning Talent Acquisition programs Career & Succession Management Candidate Care / Perks program Employer Branding Building & Maintaining Talent pool Hiring Manager Training Legal Assistance Third Party Vendor management Technology, Tools for hiring Down size or Upsize flexibility SG Deploy Do? 1)Source 2) Screen 3) Recruit 4) Report SG Deploy Delivery? 1)Virtual 2)On demand
+ Other Services StaffGiant Entails 1) SG Endure: For your permanent staffing solution, process based on the traditional recruitment practice 2) SG Interim: For the your contingency, short-term staff requirement to be filled through our staff team 3) SG Global: We encourage our clients to think global while being local, through our extensive database and recruitment consultants we will be able to source an high skilled and challenging job vacancy