Stage Fright, Relaxation, and Warm-up A guide to easing the mind and body for optimal performance by Tom Antion
Symptoms of Stage Fright Dry mouth. Dry mouth. Tight throat. Tight throat. Sweaty hands. Sweaty hands. Cold hands. Cold hands. Shaky hands. Shaky hands. Give me a hand (Oops, I couldn't resist). Give me a hand (Oops, I couldn't resist). Nausea. Nausea. Fast pulse. Fast pulse. Shaky knees. Shaky knees. Trembling lips. Trembling lips.
Do you want to have these qualities on stage? Sharper reflexes Sharper reflexes More energy More energy A sparkle to your eye A sparkle to your eye Color to your cheeks Color to your cheeks More conscious about posture More conscious about posture More physically attractive More physically attractive Healthier looking Healthier looking
Reducing Stage Fright: Visualization Concentrate on how good you are. Concentrate on how good you are. Pretend you are just chatting with a group of friends. Pretend you are just chatting with a group of friends. Close your eyes and imagine the audience listening, laughing, and applauding. Close your eyes and imagine the audience listening, laughing, and applauding. Remember happy moments from your past. Remember happy moments from your past. Think about your love for and desire to help the audience. Think about your love for and desire to help the audience. Picture the audience in their underwear. Picture the audience in their underwear.
Reducing Stage Fright: Pre-Show Show up an hour early to triple check everything Show up an hour early to triple check everything Review your surroundings Review your surroundings Talk, it releases excessive energy Talk, it releases excessive energy Yawn to relax throat Yawn to relax throat Take a quick walk Take a quick walk Listen to music Listen to music Physical Relaxation exercises Physical Relaxation exercises Mental Relaxation exercises Mental Relaxation exercises
Reducing Stage Fright: Showtime Make eye contact, it clues your mind in on the fact that you are not alone and allows you to focus on fellow actors, not the audience Make eye contact, it clues your mind in on the fact that you are not alone and allows you to focus on fellow actors, not the audience Look at the friendliest face in the audience Look at the friendliest face in the audience Joke about how nervous you are Joke about how nervous you are
REMEMBER Nervousness doesn’t show one- tenth as much as it feels
15 Point Physical Relaxation Exercises Roll your head without moving your shoulders Roll your head without moving your shoulders Roll your shoulders forward and backwards Roll your shoulders forward and backwards Circle arms, small circles at first then large. Circle arms, small circles at first then large. Rotate arms from your elbows while holding arms straight down Rotate arms from your elbows while holding arms straight down Rotate hands from the wrist Rotate hands from the wrist Lift arms with wrists leading Lift arms with wrists leading Shake hands vigorously Shake hands vigorously Open and close fists, stretching fingers out Open and close fists, stretching fingers out
15 Point Physical Relaxation Exercises Roll fingers out, one at a time starting with your pinky Roll fingers out, one at a time starting with your pinky Roll body forward, back, and side to side Roll body forward, back, and side to side Clasp hands above your head and rotate body Clasp hands above your head and rotate body Rotate legs in a circle then kick as high as you can the swing legs front to back Rotate legs in a circle then kick as high as you can the swing legs front to back Stand on tippy toes, bend knees, roll on heels Stand on tippy toes, bend knees, roll on heels Rotate foot at the ankle Rotate foot at the ankle Pick up invisible marbles with your toes Pick up invisible marbles with your toes
Sources Antion, Tom. (2012), Stage fright strategies. Retrieved from: Antion, Tom. (2012), Stage fright strategies. Retrieved from: t.htm t.htm Ocar’s Classes (2012), Retrieved from: n.pdf Ocar’s Classes (2012), Retrieved from: n.pdf