@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 1 Amajuba District Municipality Water Services Development Plan Chapter 2 – IDP and WSDP Goals April 2003 Prepared By: uThukela WaterClifford Mkhize & Associates Michele Ann JonkerClifford Mkhize Cell No: Cell no:
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 2 Executive Summary The Amajuba District Municipality Vision reads: “Amajuba will be a fully developed District, with a vibrant and sustainable economy, a better quality of life, preserved within its own cultural and traditional values” The Amajuba IDP further contains the following water services sub-goals: To ensure that municipal services are provided to all communities within the Amajuba District in the most efficient, effective, affordable and sustainable manner To rehabilitate and improve the environment Provide all households with water at the minimum RDP level through the upgrading of existing services or the provision of new services where required Provide sanitation to all households at the minimum RDP level through the upgrading of existing services or the provision of new services where required Facilitate the provision of higher levels of service in areas where this is affordable and sustainable Make raw water available for agricultural use Make water available to support industrial activity Promote shared and integrated service delivery Conserve areas of environmental, conservation and tourist significance Address the pollution of water catchments by mining and industrial activity Promote environmental awareness Establish an integrated environmental management system Promoting development of a safe and healthy environment
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 3 The uThukela Water Vision, Mission and guiding principles will guide the future water services delivery Executive Summary As a partner of the uThukela Water partnership, the Amajuba District Municipality participated in the Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles of uThukela Water to support the attainment of the Amajuba vision and water services sub-goals. uThukela Water Vision “uThukela Water, your partner in growth…” “Amanzi oThukela Umngani Wakho Entuthukweni…” uThukela Water Mission Statement 1.Our business focus: The provisioning of water and waste water management services, and related environmental services From water source (borehole and/or reservoir) to customer connection and from sewer connection to waste water treatment plant to disposal in the environment 2.Our mandate and customer focus: As Water Services Provider, we will provide the services on behalf of and under contract with the Water Services Authorities (Municipalities) to the end user (customer) which as a matter of priority must include all community households, industries, businesses, government and other users We may also provide water and related services beyond the area of jurisdiction, on the condition that those services will create benefits for the uThukela Water stakeholders
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 4 Executive Summary 3.Our services provisioning and deliverables focus: Safe drinking water for all customers and selected rural participants (farmers and remote industries) Environmentally safe sewerage, waste water collection, treatment and disposal where socially feasible and economically sustainable Recognized for affordable but effective environmental and catchment management Affordable and long term guaranteed tariffs to attract and retain customers Creating and sustaining a pristine environment Important participant in the regional economy World class recognized utility for doing more with less A model example for capacity building and empowerment Optimal deployment of appropriate and focused technologies, including information technology and systems Dynamic, pulsating, young professional work force Unique sourcing deployments Resourcing at agreed risk Leader in digital utility workflow processes
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 5 Executive Summary 4.Our resourcing (processes, systems and standards) focus: Dynamic strategic analysis modeling and simulation (SAMS) business methodologies as the key support tools for strategy management Leading, but not bleeding edge technologies, based on leap-frogging deployments Technologies based on business engineering using business and technology objects principles such as unified modeling language (UML) Open standards, scalable, mobile where applicable, 24X7X365 availability and secure Focused, customized and affordable enterprise resources management systems and customer care systems Object based, functionally grouped, shared database systems, properly managed, including data quality assurance Maximized digital workflow processing Adherence to the concepts of total cost of ownership, value of ownership and risk of ownership (TCO,TVO,TRO) Performance management to be based on self management concepts and must link to organizational performance management In general uThukela Water will adhere to sound business and corporate governance principles applicable to private business, like general acceptable accounting practice (GAAP), etc.
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 6 Executive Summary uThukela Water Guiding Principles 1.Effectiveness (Doing the right things): Effectiveness could be measured in terms of long term strategic goals, such as service level and mix, quality of service, quantity of service, long term cumulative discounted cash flows and long term tariffs. 2.Efficiency (Doing things right):. Efficiency is about managing the services with adequate information systems through a monthly and annual performance budget system. 3.Equity (Consistent standards throughout): The restructured service should ensure equity in terms of service delivery standards. The standard and level of services should be the same throughout the area of jurisdiction of the service. 4.Environment: Services should be delivered within the context of sound environmental management principles. 5.Monitoring: Local government should monitor effectiveness, efficiency and equity. 6.Sustainability: The provision of services through alternative delivery mechanisms should always be sustainable. Re-design will become necessary as soon as economic conditions or affordability changes outside the limits of the strategic assumptions. 7.Economic growth: The application of best management practices should facilitate local economic growth, including job creation, opportunities for entrepreneurs and leverage for private investment. 8.Community involvement: The function must be delivered by involving the community in order to ensure appropriate types and affordable levels of service, payment for services and maintenance of the competitive environment.
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 7 Executive Summary uThukela Water Guiding Principles 9.Competition: The management structure deployed must accommodate competition and not merely serve as a monopoly 10.Labor: Labor organizations, workers and management must be involved in the restructuring process from the start and continue as such 11.Risk: Proper analysis of all risks involved should be done. These risks include construction risks, operating risks, financing risks, political risks and performance risks (insolvency). 12.Conflict of interest: There should be no conflict of interest between the participants. All entities involved should be and appear to be free of illegitimate influence, interest or relationship, directly or indirectly. 13.Legal and regulatory: The restructuring process should comply with the legal and regulatory process, which should be considered as a dynamic process. 14.Dedicated Customer Care: Through an appropriate customer care system, uThukela Water will focus on delivering a multi dimensional customer care service allowing for customer choices in respect of service options, payment options and customer interaction 15.Professionalism: All staff to be positive, motivated, diligent, ethical, communicative, showing respect, sharing, caring, loyal and of continuous learning orientation
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 8 To adopt the Six Guiding Principles in delivering water services Executive Summary The uThukela Water Board has accepted six guiding principle questions which would be applied to all strategic resolutions, designs and future changes. It is proposed that the Amajuba WSA should accept the same to ensure a efficient and effective water services institutional arrangements: The focus of efficient and effective water services institutional arrangements will be on principal- political agreement and participation. The main instruments in doing this will be the application of the “big six” guiding questions: 1.Is it under control? (monitoring, conflict of interest, risk) 2.Will it benefit the customer? (dedicated customer care, efficiency, effectiveness, environment) 3.Will it help the community? (equity, environment, sustainability, labor) 4.Is it legal? (legal and regulatory, constitutional, institutional) 5.Is it in the Plan? (effectiveness, risk) 6.Is it efficient (faster, cheaper, better, professional, simpler)?
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP – Introduction The purpose of Chapter 2 – IDP and WSDP goals is to provide the organization’s long term direction and desired state for water services provisioning within the Amajuba Water Services Authority. “To comply with the Water Services Act, the WSDP should be prepared as part of the IDP process unless there is no IDP process in which case it can be prepared separately. The WSDP is a sectoral plan that falls within the inter-sectoral umbrella plan of the IDP”. (WSDP Guidelines) The Amajuba IDP process is presently not aligned with the WSDP process, however, this chapter aims to orient the water services development goals against the overall goals of the IDP. It is proposed that the WSDP will be aligned with the next cycle / revision of the IDP. The strategies developed as part of the WSDP has been based on the IDP vision, priority issues and objectives in terms of addressing the when, who, what, etc. Should it be found that insufficient resources are available to support the strategy, the IDP priority issues and objectives would have to be reconsidered IDP vision The Amajuba IDP vision reads as follows:
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP 10 Table 2.2 It is clear from the IDP that the rendering of water and sanitation services to all communities is a priority for the Amajuba WSA Furthermore the improvement of maintenance of existing water infrastructure has been identified as a priority issue, specifically for Dannhauser (refer to the Financial Services Profile where a gradual increase in the maintenance budget up to 5% of the replacement value of infrastructure has been applied) IDP priority issues and objectives related to water services Priority issues which either have a direct or indirect impact on water services are identified, while mid- term objectives related to these priority issues are developed through the IDP process. Both the priority issues and mid-term objectives are listed in Table 2.2.
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP Sustainable water services sub-goals The WSDP goals for achieving the delivery of sustainable water services has been tested as part of the Financial Services Profile in terms of Total Cost of Ownership of various customer services strategies. In line with the sub-goals of the IDP, two customer services scenarios have been developed and assessed as follows: Marginal Solution – provision of basic water and sanitation Optimal Solution – provision of higher levels of water and sanitation It has been found, that pending adequate capital sourcing, that the Optimal Solution will be more sustainable for the Amajuba WSA, specifically when considering the promotion of development as an IDP sub-goals The securing of sufficient funding will be vital in ensuring achievement of the water services sub-goals.
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP Sustainable water services sub-goals Table 2.3 The provision of basic services is a priority for all
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP Sustainable water services sub-goals Table 2.3 The provision of basic services is a priority for all
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP Sustainable water services sub-goals Table 2.3 From the respective IDP’s it is noted that were economically viable, the provision of higher levels of services are preferred
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP – Integrated water resource management sub- goals Integrated water resource management sub-goals relate to the conservation and protection of the water resource, measured against the customer services strategy to provide water for economic development. The proposed Catchment Management Agency to be established for the region, will play a major role in the realization of the these sub-goals. Table 2.4 The establishment of a WSA: CMA and/or WSP:CMA services agreement will form the basis for achieving integrated water resource management sub-goals
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP – Integrated water resource management sub- goals Table 2.4 Water resource protection and conservation noted as an important sub-goal by all the municipal entities
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP – Integrated water resource management sub- goals Table 2.4 It is evident from the sub-goals that adequate water demand management needs to be addressed as part of the WSDP
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP – Efficient and effective water services institutional arrangements sub-goals Table 2.5 The finalization and deployment of the “Institutional Pack” required for the establishment of uThukela Water towards efficient and effective water services institutional arrangement sub-goals
@ContentsExecutive Summary Annexures A M A J U B A Umkhandlu Wesifunda District Municipality Distrik Munisipaliteit April 2003AmajubaWSDPp002_IDP – Efficient and effective water services institutional arrangements sub-goals The focus of efficient and effective water services institutional arrangements will be on principal- political agreement and participation. The main instruments in doing this will be the application of the “big six” guiding questions: 1.Is it under control? (monitoring, conflict of interest, risk) 2.Will it benefit the customer? (dedicated customer care, efficiency, effectiveness, environment) 3.Will it help the community? (equity, environment, sustainability, labor) 4.Is it legal? (legal and regulatory, constitutional, institutional) 5.Is it in the Plan? (effectiveness, risk) 6.Is it efficient (faster, cheaper, better, professional, simpler)? The Board of uThukela Water accepted the above six guiding principle questions on 21 October 2002 and agreed to subject all strategic resolutions, designs and future changes to these questions. Compliance to the six guiding questions to ensure efficient and effective water services institutional arrangements