What affects engaged/active learning can have on a students’ academic success LaTonya Summers EDU 671 Dr. Lunsford January 21, 2015
Did You Know Research shows engaged learning can lead to improved cognitive outcomes in the class particular materials but not necessary in the complete mastery of the topic (Michel, Cater111, Varela, 2009). When students are engaged it improves their learning process. It builds positive self-esteems and encourages students to do their best. Positive student engagement in their classroom is an influential factor, which is not often widely discussed, but research has reported it to be critical in enhancing the student achievement (Akey, 2006; Heller, Calderon, & Medrich, 2003; Garcia-Reid, Reid, & Peterson, 2005).
Area of Focus The purpose of this study is to examine what affects engaged/active learning can have on a students’ academic success. Engaged learning is actively engage students in discovering new knowledge in a sequenced, developmentally appropriate way to enable them to evaluate evidence critically, make informed judgments, and act ethically. (AACU, 2009). Engaged learning enhances the learning process for positive learning experiences.
Expanding the learning environment for all students. Involving all students in the learning process.
Research Questions What are the effects of engaged/active learning on students’ success? What can be done differently to improve active learning in the classroom? How can the school administrators make changes to the way students are being taught?
Intervention obtaining consent forms from the parents and the administrator of the school. I will introduce my self and explain what my study is about and how they can help me with this research. I also will be monitoring them as they work.
Participants This study will consist of two North Carolina high school classes; each class will have between 5 to 6 students of different social economic backgrounds and races.
Time Line Week 1- I will obtain permission from the school’s administrator and gather all consent forms. Next, I will proceed to complete my research materials. Week 2- I will share my plan with my co-teachers and administrator Week 3-4 During these two weeks I will be observing the students and monitoring their progress as well as noting their weaknesses. Week 5- I will ask all participants to complete a survey and I will report all findings at that time.
Statement of Resources I will utilize the world wide web and the Ashford Library to find scholarly articles and reports to further my research.
Data Collection
References AACU - American Association for Colleges and Universities webpage publications. Akey, T. M. (2006, January). School context, student attitudes and behavior, and academic achievement: An exploratory analysis. New York: MDRC. Retrieved 1/10/2015, from Garcia-Reid, P., Reid, R., & Peterson, N. A. (2005, May). School engagement among Latino youth in an urban middle school context: Valuing the role of social support. Education and Urban Society, 37(3), 257–275. Heller, R., Calderon, S., & Medrich, E. (2003). Academic achievement in the middle grades: What does research tell us? A review of the literature. Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Education Board. Retrieved 1/10/2015, from Michel, N., Carter III, J., Varela, O. (2009), Active versus passive teaching styles: an empirical study of students learning outcomes, Vol. 20, no. 4; Human Resource Development Quarterly; Wiley Periodical, Inc. retrieved from